View Full Version : Feeling so rubbish, that I'm seriously considering jacking in this tapering and just

15-06-14, 19:20
I am seriously consideeing stopping my meds. I know I shouldn't, and the sensible side of me is telling me to have patience, but I'm really fed up of how numb I feel on my medication. It makes me so god damn miserable!!!

15-06-14, 19:50
Do you mean all at once or gradually?:)

15-06-14, 20:14
All at once. I'm coming off these regardless :/

15-06-14, 20:26
Be careful Rachy,why don't you want to taper?
When you say you feel rubbish,how are you feeling?:huh:

15-06-14, 20:31
I had a friend who came off her meds and she ended up poorly in hospital please do it with advice of your gp xx

15-06-14, 20:39
I hate these pills making me feel so miserable. At least before I went on them i felt love and happiness. Mirtazapine has done nothing but make me fat, moody and rapid cycle with my moods. I won't do any stupid like stop as I'm too sensible but I just feel so agitated and low on them that I wish I could just stop

15-06-14, 20:44
Hi I was on 20mg of citalopram for over a year recently came off them completely, didn't taper, not going to lie to you it was horrible for about two weeks, but feel so much better now, i was feeling numb and like a robot on them before, tapering takes a while but at least you wont get all the horrible side effects coming off the drugs

15-06-14, 20:48
I know its hard but just look forward to the time - not many weeks in the future - when you are off them. As you taper off you should start to feel bit better anyway so take it easy and you will get there x

15-06-14, 20:49
Did you have physical withdrawal effects? I know I shouldn't just stop and I won't, I have a 3year old to look after, I need to try keep my marbles lol but I just feel so low on these tablets. Its put a strain on my marriage and o just feel like something's pushing me down. I thought it was just me at first but my mums just gone on the same pills as me, she's been on them a month and now telling me all the things I was complaining about! Lol

15-06-14, 21:38
What you need is a professional to talk this over with hun.
Do you still have the original doctors appt booked? Or did you let it go after you had the one the other day?
Are there any other doctors in the practice that you could see?
You've been really short changed by them,and you owe it to yourself to speak to someone who knows what they're talking about, not like the one the other day.
I know you feel down about it at the moment,but you don't want to swap one set of problems for another,and these meds are powerful stuff.
If tapered properly, with emotional and practical help from your gp,such as some mild diazapan to help stop you getting too frayed around the edges,you could be through the worst of it quite soon,and without too much trauma.
You've worked so hard to get well again,the last thing you need is bad anxiety coming back,because,as you know,its not so easy pulling yourself back again.
Especially now you have your job,to say nothing about a lively 3 year old!
Good luck with it hun
Take care

16-06-14, 09:42
I'm not touching diazapam or whatever it is. That to me would just be transferring all my natural coping skills to popping a pill to relax me. Plus I pay for my prescriptions and all of this is costing me a small fortune.

The doctor I saw the other day was the doctor that was 'meant to be most helpful', I'm too busy and it would be too much hassle changing doctors surgeries just for this. I'll book an appointment if I have any trouble while tapering but I feel that the only problem is the mirtazapine.

I'm just going to taper down over next 4weeks. The very idea of staying in these tablets makes me anxious. If of course I'm really poorly still once I've withdrawn I will go on something else but I'm back at work, feeling more proactive in life so with any luck. I'll feel better once I'm off these fat pills.

16-06-14, 10:08
Good luck hun,
Take care x :hugs:

16-06-14, 12:35
I know I shouldn't just stop and I won't, I have a 3year old to look after

Read the above. It can be very detrimental to stop cold turkey. No matter how you currently feel, you need to follow the advice of those who posted as well as your own.

Positive thoughts