View Full Version : Chest murmur and left are numbness - Help!

15-06-14, 21:46
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to this sort of thing so I hope I make sense.

Around 6 months I startedgetting chest murmurs (nothing too painful just constant)
It then started spreading to my left arm, making it go numb. All along I have had pain in the upper left part of my back which seems to be where it comes from.

I have spoken to two doctors about it who said it was heartburn (medicine didn't help) and then stress (although the only thing that stresses me is this pain).

The problem seems worse when I spend a long time sitting down (which is a huge problem since I work in an office and then come home to sit). The only time it goes away is when I go for a run or to the gym.

Has anyone ever had a similar problem?

Any help would be very much appreciated - I'm 21 next week and this worrying is going to ruin it!