View Full Version : brain tumors symptoms and fear.

16-06-14, 07:40
Hi everyone, I need to speak to someone. I have had a massive fear of having a brain tumor since mid April when I developed mild daily headaches for reasons I dont know. I made the horrendous mistake of googling it and guess what it said? Brain Tumor! The headaches went away for a week then returned and stayed ever since all be it milder now. They are mostly around my right temple or just above but can move around and tend to be noticed when walking around but not always. They are not bad enough to take medication and are not always there anymore. My problem is I feel I may have other BT symptoms including a weak feeling trembly left arm when I move it very slowly (the most distressing), slight but constant ringing in ears when its silent that sounds like hissing and an eye lid twitch on the right that has persisted for weeks. I think about it everyday and it depresses me but I do not feel im in panic mode all the time. I have seen 3 docs 2 nurses, one an A&E one and they do not think I have a BT. They have performed strength tests, looked into my eyes so many times and had a blood test. The doctor has orered a ct scan but I think more for my peace of mind. I really get upset by these symptoms as they do not seem to improve. I have no nightime or morning headache or vomiting or seizures that I can notice, perhaps the twitching muscles? Everyone has told me im being ridiculous! I delt with alot of stress from various sources before this started. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Im scared. Thanks*

16-06-14, 15:32

I am no doctor but I have dealt with HA for many years. What you are experiencing is most likely anxiety related. I (and many others on this site) have had all of the symptoms you are describing. I truly know the anguish you are experiencing and don't want to belittle you at all but brain tumor pain doesn't come and go. Headaches from stressing out are very common. Feeling weak and trembly is classic anxiety. Twitching is also classic anxiety. Ringing in your ears can be from clenching your jaw from anxiety and thus impacting your ears. The doctors know what to look for and you have to trust them. Again, I have been where you are and will probably be there again and I nobody without HA is going to fully empathize with you but don't hold that against them and don't beat yourself up. Anxiety sucks but you will get through this. Good luck and don't google.


17-06-14, 11:09
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. Perhaps hopefully when I get an all clear the headaches will settle down. They move around but tend to settle on the right around temple area which is what worries me as its very specific. Can anxiety do this? Also how long do the symptoms last mine have been here 3-4 weeks.

17-06-14, 13:30
happens a lot to me its called a tension headache its subconscious contractions of the scalp muscles and the forehead and they become tense happens to me a lot

17-06-14, 13:44
I had a brain tumour fear about 5 years ago now - had EVERY single symptom you just listed. I focused on it for months and then something else triggered my HA (can't even remember what) and I forgot about the BT fear - and guess what? The symptoms disappeared almost immediately! X

19-06-14, 11:07
I had this fear a few years ago when I developed what felt like immense pressure in my head, vague headaches and dizziness. I have anxiety anyway and immediately put it down the the worst thing I could think of. The doctor thought it was sinusitis but I wouldn't hear of it. Eventually I went to a doctor who also treats his patients with acupuncture. He said he was treating the problem and after 6 weeks it disappeared. I discovered that he actually treated me for anxiety! And YES anxiety can do this. I'm an expert at creating symptoms to diseases that I don't have..
But I really do understand your fears as only another anxiety sufferer would.
I hope this helps you.

20-06-14, 08:23
Do you think I have anxiety then. Iv been to alot of docs. They have checked in my eyes many times, strength tests and various other things that have not shown anything they are worried about. I don't feel anxious everyday and yet symptoms persist.

20-06-14, 16:56
I'm not an expert but I have years of experience in anxiety and I know for myself that I have been amazed at what symptoms anxiety can produce. From reading your post I'd say you have higher than average concern about your health, in particular your headaches. And That goes for most of us on this forum. We wouldn't be here otherwise would we?
What works for me is accepting that the doctors know best. Mind they've checked me over and find nothing to worry about it, I relax and the symptoms fade away. And I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me.
But of course, people do get headaches for all sorts of reasons and not just from anxiety. Food allergies, sleeping problems, hormonal problems, the reasons are endless and headaches are so common, why put them down to only one thing ie brain tumors? You can be sure that if you read up the symptoms, your brain will definitely cause you to experience them. I know lots of people who suffer from ringing in the ears and feelings of weakness in their limbs and none of them have brain tumors but all of them have anxiety.

20-06-14, 17:27
I've recently had similar worries about a tumour. I've been suffering with migraines for 2 years, didn't even get a headache before this point.

They happen on a weekly basis now, and naturally I have been worried about what's going on in my head.

A GP did various tests the other day, and I was demanding an MRI scan. He essentially said to me "If you had a brain tumour for 2 years, you would have trouble making facial expressions, your movement would be affected severely, and you would suffer with memory loss. The symptoms would be much more severe if it wasn't just headaches/migraines".

Obviously if you feel any of those symptoms are happening to you, see a GP. I have a feeling like me it's just stress/anxiety related :).

21-06-14, 04:00
I had similar symptoms last year and was also convinced I had a brain tumour! It's good you got checked out - the doctors looking into your eyes can tell a lot. Usually a tumour causes pressure and this is seen in the eyes. The fact your headaches come and go and move around is also a good sign. If it was a tumour the pain would be in the same place and getting worse. Also, the most common symptom of a tumour is nausea and vomiting. Usually symptoms are worse in the morning. Once I found out all this stuff, it reassured me and my headaches and other related symptoms dissapeared eventually. Hope that helps xx

21-06-14, 12:13
I think I got into a spiral of worry as I dealt with alot of stress which is probably what triggered my headaches. Iv never had any nausea or vomiting and only mild dizziness but that's been gone for at least a month now. The headaches are very mild and not constant. They tend to focus around the right temple area and above but do move as well. They have not gotten worse. How long did your symptoms take to go away?

21-06-14, 16:42
I'm not sure, they just gradually went away, maybe a couple of months. Getting headaches in your temple area is very common - I was told it's called a tension headache and is related to stress. My husband also gets headaches there - sometimes they last for months! He's even had 2 brain scans done over the years - they both came back clear.
A friend of mine had a brain tumour - her first symptom was nausea, vomiting, then a pain at the back of her head that got worse each day and wouldn't go away. It then started affecting her balance and speech. As soon as the doctor looked into her eyes they knew immediately something was wrong. I hope that reassures you! I knew exactly how you feel and very much sympathize with you. x

21-06-14, 17:21
I have had a few headaches over the last couple of months, always in the same spot... And I had tingling in my left arm and leg that lasted for a few days and eventually went away... And I've been suffering with derealization 24/7. I've ended up in the ER twice and seen my GP a few times, all in fear of a brain tumour. Every time I've gone to the ER or doctor they do tests on me, strength tests, balance tests, coordination, and vision. and everything comes back perfect. I know deep down that it's anxiety.. But I know your feeling! Health anxiety is the worst form of Anxiety... We all self diagnose ourselves and convince ourselfs we are dying. We just got to learn to accept the doctors diagnosis because they are the professionals and they know what to look for. We are all fine, just anxious. I hope you start to feel better soon :)

21-06-14, 18:10
70sgirl and ColinJesse22 thank you both very much you both say exactly what I feel and have made me feel alot better. Iv been to the docs many times and they don't think its a BT even slightly. Iv been feeling less stressed over the last few days and I do feel a bit better, I still get slight headaches but very mild now so fingers crossed im beating them. My arm still feels achy and shakey at times but hopefully that will disappear soon. Thank you