View Full Version : Overwhelmed with embarassment

16-06-14, 09:22
I feel so silly. I have done something so embarrasing and I don't wanna go back to work. I'm scared in case they all find out what I done. I was messaging a guy from work asking if he liked me? The problem is I was extremely drunk and I am also in a long term relationship. I have made such a fool of myself and now I don't know if he is going to tell everyone! What should I do?

16-06-14, 18:17
I can understand your embarrassment fully, but in all fairness, you've kind of shot yourself in the foot messaging another guy when you're in a relationship.

All you can do in this situation is hope he doesn't say anything, and if he does, be honest, and explain what you've said in your post about how stupid you feel, and that you were drunk. I personally wouldn't excuse being drunk as a reason for my partner flirting with other girls though.

16-06-14, 20:11
The first thing to do is apologise whole heartedly to your colleague. The sooner you face him the sooner you can start to put things right. Leaving it will just prolong your agony and make it even more uncomfortable for you. Take control of the situation.
Be totally honest as you have in your post. Put your hands up and admit that you behaved in an inexcusable way, that you are embarrassed and regret your behaviour. Say that you were drunk but that in no way forgives what you did.
If he does tell others then continue to agree that you are in the wrong.
Once you have done this you can move on and put the incident behind you.
Above all learn a lesson about how alcohol can lead to behaving in a way that you may later regret and could hurt people who mean the world to you.
Good luck.