View Full Version : Good Doctors

16-06-14, 10:39
Just come back from my new doctors surgery and for the third time they have proved faultless compared to last place. They are polite, sensitive, thorough and I come away confident and satisfied they've listened to me and done what they can to help. This has a significant effect on my health anxiety. At my last doctors they were rude, abrupt, lost test results or referrals most of the time and didn't care an iota about their patients. It's truly amazing to have this new surgery and to have my trust restored.

Have any of you health anxiety because of bad doctors or experiences and have good doctors helped?

16-06-14, 20:25
As I've written in a couple of threads, I used to have lumps in my inner thigh. Went to see GP who said they're fine, but then I managed to book an appointment with an oncologist surgeon at the hospital. He's the only one they have, so I didn't really have options and I didn't know how's he like etc.

First, he was late almost an hour and a half, and then he just didn't seem to care. I mean, he's not dismissing me, but he just touched the lump briefly, and said it's a gland and he'd give me antibiotics. I asked for an ultrasound, which confirmed it's not a gland (I asked the ultrasound dude to check my whole thigh, just in case) and even with the report the onc. still said it felt like a gland. Then he went on saying scary stuff basically saying I should have it cut out.

The next few days were one of the longest days in my life. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't function. Finally my mom took me to her internist. He felt the lumps and immediately said they're fine.

I don't know why the onc. did what he did. Maybe he wanted to get money from the operation, which happens with some doctors, or maybe he just wanted to be thorough. But bottom line is that I didn't feel comfortable dealing with him, at all.

17-06-14, 04:02
Eevee - I had the exact same experience with my lymph nodes in my neck. On call Dr sent me to surgeon just to get them checked. He said that they were swollen glands but obviously couldn't tell me if they were reacting to infection or cancer so I should have it biopsied. Oh my god I went into major panic and ordered biopsy. Went to regular Dr for anxiety meds and she felt them and said they are clearly reacting to an infection and to not do biopsy. I cancelled it but because he said the c word I just can't get past it so I'm having a needle biopsy next week. It's a shame because normally I totally trust my Dr. She's talked me down a few times,