View Full Version : New to Zopiclone

16-06-14, 10:59
Have to admit. I'm excited! A full nights sleep?!? Yes please!!!

The GP didn't mention how long it lasts for though. Does anyone know? I got to bed at about 10pm and wake at 6am. Will I need longer for the effects to wear off?

16-06-14, 15:04
Hi, there! Time change between us means you have likely woken up a bit groggy and had your tea/coffee and made your way through the day by the time you read this. Here's some pointers: Get into bed earlier if you want to be asleep by 10. Try 9:30 or a bit earlier. Then take your zopiclone. It will taste tinny, no way around that, but I sometimes take mine with ginger ale to mask the taste a bit, or you can have a hard sugar-free cough drop afterwards. It will usually work within 1/2 hour, sometimes less, sometimes more. The point is to be in bed and ready to go to sleep when you take it. If you take it and then stay up/go on the computer etc. you may fiddle through the time when it is meant to work and then you won't be able to sleep. So don't try staying up on it, defeats the purpose. The relaxing feeling is nice, but use it to get to sleep. Do not take more than the one tablet. Make the one tablet work by not having a big snack after dinner, and by being in bed first before taking it. You may want to read until you feel drowsy and then put the light off right away. Even if you think you are now more wakeful, just lay there relaxed and the drowsiness will come back and you will fall asleep. If you find you really are too drowsy even after you are up and about, then you may have to go to bed earlier for awhile until you become accustomed to taking it. Good luck and I hope you are able to use them sparingly. If you take them every night, you will become dependant on them to get to sleep.
Take care!

26-06-14, 11:55

Been on Zopiclone for 10 years now. Great stuff eh?

But be careful, they are very addictive and easily gives you 'rebound insomnia' when you come off them

04-07-14, 10:23
I haven't used it yet (!) I have young children who need taking to school so I wanted to test it out on a weekend so that if I'm groggy with it I don't have anything deadlines to meet. Luckily I've not had any major sleeping problems so I keep forgetting to test it out. I've agreed with my dr that I'm only going to take it 'if and when' because my insomnia is so random anyway. It's normally due to hormones or a panic before bedtime but I'm learning how to stop that now. Very cautious about the addiction thing. I don't tend to have those issues anyway. Even when I gave up smoking I didn't notice anything. But I'm still wary.

One further question- does pain/illness disrupt it's sedative properties? For instance if I've got a sore throat which is disturbing my sleep will I sleep through that or keep waking up still and potentially having these amnesia problems the packet suggests? I only ask because I have health anxiety and tend to wake up if a feel a symptom, panic, and can't sleep. I was hoping these would knock me out to stop any niggles waking me up.

04-07-14, 12:29
Yeah they will knock you out but you wont feel groggy as they last for 5 hers. I have been taking them for 14 years (yes you read right)... its a long story but I have a sleep disorder. My advice would be take them every other night. They are not "addictive" in the medical sense but are habit forming so use them sparingly!


05-07-14, 20:00
Ok. I might give them a go tonight.

07-07-14, 08:19
I tried out Zoplicone last night when I was feeling ok but I just wanted to see how it works. No side effects and I slept both deeply and comfortably. I would describe the sensation as comparable to deep relaxation which gradually gets stronger until you fall asleep. At points I felt my body resisting the relaxation and it became very apparent how anxious my body is normally and how difficult I find it to relax- even when I consider myself to be ok!! So I'm going to focus on relaxing naturally for the moment- get this tension out of my back and stomach.

It does feel good having an easy sleep though. Also my symptoms did not disturb my sleep at all which was brilliant- even my sore throat which I do have didn't disturb me.

28-07-14, 23:34
Worst thing about this drug is the awful taste in your mouth the next morning. Was as if I'd been sucking on coppers all night!!

29-07-14, 17:10
How long have you been taking em missjaxon?