View Full Version : Itchiness in pregnancy Urgent Help!

13-12-06, 21:46
I've been really itchy for about a week mostly the sides of my boobs and my wrists.
Well now it's everywhere arms legs back....
Please can someone tell me about that liver condition you can get in pregnancy. Can't remember what it's called but I'm scared.
Is it dangerous? Whats the treatment? Has anyone had it?

ANY help really appreciated before I descend into the murky depths of panic and despair.


13-12-06, 22:36

Itching inpregnancy can be common particularly in the last couple of months. Sometimes this itching can be due to something called obstetric cholestasis. If its constant and not due to dry skin or any kind of sensitivity I would mention it to your midwife.

It really is horrible....I had a terrible itch, particularly on my legs during the last months of my third pregnancy...I scratched until my legs were bleeding and sore, it really was unbearable. I remember phoning the maternity hospital in tears, begging for something to relieve it because it was so bad and I was exhausted.

One thing I found which did provide some relief was natural yogurt, from the fridge...apply it to the skin and it really does take the heat out of it for a while (although not very attractive lol!).

Try not to panic...speak to your midwife tomorrow for some reassurance but Im sure you and your baby will be fine.

Take care

Coni X

13-12-06, 23:23
Hi there

Obstetric cholestasis can be treated honey,just needs a simple blood test.My friend had it and her and her daughter are fine
I'd bet you dont have it though:)
I had a lot of itching all over towards the end of pregnancy too,it drove me mad,but there wsnt anything untoward causing it and my baby daughter is fine too

Please dont panic(i know i know)tell your midwife and she will check you out

Hunny x

miss diagnosis
14-12-06, 17:23
i got so itchy too. especailly around my fingers dont worry

14-12-06, 19:53
my friend had it and her and her baby are both fine. Not sure what treatment she received but she did get something.
I also got very itchy legs and tummy, but mines I think was just stretching skin or something.

15-12-06, 09:19
Thanks for your replies everyone.

I actually ended up googling it and for once it did put my mind at rest.
I'm only 12 weeks gone so I guess it's unlikely to be serious and even it was there's plenty of time for treatment if I needed it.
Anyway I saw my midwife yesterday for a booking appointment and heard baby's heart so I'm feeling much more relaxed now.

Thanks again for all your support.


15-12-06, 10:57
I have itched with every pregnancy and its been totally normal.

If you start itching on the palms of your hands & soles of your feet it *may* be a condition called Obstetric Cholestasis, this is quite rare. Its a problem with the liver and its easily diagnosed by a blood test an easily treated. If treated its not dangerous to mother or baby.

I would ring your mw and ask her opinion, sure you will be fine.