View Full Version : ALS Symtoms or Anxiety

16-06-14, 17:30
Hi, I very new to this so forgive me if I ramble. I知 a 36 year old female with two young children and previously of good health, active and fit with no issues. My issues stated in December last year when I began getting like a numb achiness to my left arm which is on the outside and goes down to my little and ring finger which I went to the doctor for which tool me going back a few time for them to take me serious. This moved down to my left leg where my calf muscle aches and little toe has a numb feeling. I also get the occasion cramp in my right calf and feet but not regularly. I also have been having random twitching going on throughout my body (not all the time) so as you can imagine I am extremely worried and concerned.
Doctor Google has not helped and first convinced me I had MS and now I知 convinced I have ALS/MND so in a state of panic.
I have seen a Neurologist back in January who as stated my physical and MRI are normal so referred to a rheumatologist who has said he didn稚 think it was anything serious but has refereed me to Addenbrooks Hospital to Nerve Studies and EMG test. So now I知 just thinking he saying he doesn稚 think it is anything serious to keep me calm but really he thinks it bad as I needs these test to see if it is ALS.
I am now at a loose end and in a panic waiting on a date for the test and scared I going to be dead in a couple of year and that I知 too young to die, as you can see not of sound mind :-/ .. would ALS have progressed at all as its been over 6 months now?
Would a doctor show any concern or cover it up and does anybody have any similar symptoms that could explain this. Would really appreciate some advice.. Thanks

17-06-14, 04:45
Hi there,
I am a 44 year old female with similar fears and symptoms.
Mine is tingling in my left leg, from the back of my knee down to the bottom of my foot, wraps around to the top to my big toe and the toe next to it. This has been for 4 months now.
I then started with tingling in my left arm, that goes up my neck to my cheek and down to the top of my hand. I get the muscle twitching everywhere not all at once but they will be here then there. I have had days when I had none anywhere.
My Dr said I had no bicep reflex in that arm when he hit it with that little hammer thing. Which he did twice. The first time he didn't say that. And then he had me do a strength test where I pushed against his hands my arm started shaking he said it was weaker than my right and the second time with this test like the first, was on a sec visit, he said it was weaker than before. Now I was freaking out. But the tingling and the shaking comes and goes, I was doing pushups and lifting things constantly testing my strength after that. I keep thinking that it wouldn't do that would it if it wasn't anxiety, right?
I had an EMG last Thursday on my legs and back. From what the doctor said, I had a "borderline" slow response on one of my nerves. Freak out again! But he said that could be anything like a temperature difference.
And he said the word "demylination" freaked out....
Asked the tech on the way out what that meant, she said,"oh,you don't have that".
When I asked was everything alright during the test ,because he was asking her to think about why he was doing this extra nerve test, like when or why you would do it, he said that word demylination. She said he just wanted her to learn. So I don't know what to think. Two people who have had this test done said they were told what they had right then and there. He said after I asked if everything was normal he said everything was good or fine or something like that, because at this point I was completely terrified that I was right, I have MS or ALS. So I can't remember what his exact words were, he did say "good news is; you don't have a pinched nerve", what do I have???
Now a week ago, the twitches and nearly all of the tingling was gone. I swear it started again about two or three days before this test. I commented to my husband how I had no more twitches, and no more tingling.
It is hard to accept that I am doing this to myself. My family says I am.
I have another appointment on Thursday onmy arms. My hubby says going to the first one did not help me, that it made me worse. It didn't reassure me at all. He said he doesn't want to tell me not to do the second one but he said it didn't help me it hurt me. Because now I am obsessing, and having panic attacks and questioning everything.
I am going to my therapist tomorrow, maybe she can advise me on whether to do it or not. Not only is this hurting me, it's costing me money. I know I have anxiety. But is this all from my own mind?
I thought at different times I had all kinds of diseases, and many other symptoms in the past four months.
I think most of my symptoms went away because my medicine started working after 5 weeks. I had a good 2 weeks. Now I am back where I started.
I don't know if this helps you at all, but knowing that someone else is going through the same thing helps me.
Maybe you could email me, send me a private message, and we can keep in touch and we can see how things are going with each other. I really would like to talk to you again. Maybe we can help each other get through this.

---------- Post added at 23:45 ---------- Previous post was at 23:29 ----------

Oh, and what is ALS/MND?
Do I even want to know?

I am going to get some sleep now, I apologize for the long post.