View Full Version : i have so many phobias

16-06-14, 19:54
my list of phobias are;
- spiders
- heights
-doing public speaking
- fear of dying
- fear of falling backwards
- scared of being alone/followed all the time.

I know some of them are stupid but they are wrecking my life. :(

it is so so hard..

16-06-14, 20:21
Mine r spiders

16-06-14, 21:20
yeah they are all horrible too. But they are my top ones. I get so scared xx

16-06-14, 22:49
Hi guys
Mine was wasps!
Once got out of the car and ran into oncoming traffic when one came in my car, crazy I know but I was so scared.
Once screamed so loud at a wedding hysterically running round during the service and had to leave.
I don't have the phobia now as I learnt EFT and it worked for me :) :) may be worth a try xx

16-06-14, 23:04
what is EFT? And i had wasps, bees, moths, flies, any insect. Xxx

16-06-14, 23:13
Emotional freedom Technique..tapping certain points with your fingers...I learnt it from a one of visit to a psychotherapist..they have Technique on You Tube for you to watch xx :)

16-06-14, 23:15
ok i might have a look at that. All these things wrong with me (mentally) are driving me potty. I have these phobias. My worst one is crowds (claustrophobia). Xx

Blagger Boy
16-06-14, 23:24
I have this weird fear of moths lol

Seriously, i smashed a wee lamp once throwing it at this bugger of a moth that managed to get in my room!

Oh, and now it's Summer it's gonna be a great time with them open windows at night :weep:

17-06-14, 00:28
i hate phobias so much. I'm so bad with some of them. Why so they have to exist? They just make you more anxious. I'm anxious all the time and it drives me potty. :( xx

17-06-14, 01:24
I developed temporary phobias of heights and of cats when I went through a very stressful time. I recovered from them when I became less stressed about things.

Maybe one way to recover from phobias is to deal with the problems that are the root of your anxiety. I think the phobias are just a symptom of your anxiety coming out in a different way from other anxiety symptoms.

17-06-14, 09:13
I'm not sure lior. I have had most of these pgobias all my life. It is horrible. I have a massive fear of the dark but that is from when i was 7. Xx

17-06-14, 12:24
That might be related to something that happened when you were 7?

17-06-14, 13:03
yeah. I wrote a poem about it. Not sure if you've read it. It is just so hard xx

17-06-14, 16:05
Is there a link?

17-06-14, 21:17
it is on here called 'a poem about what happened to me' in the virtual hugs threads xxx

18-06-14, 08:30
Fear of hights
Open spaces
Going over bridges
Going through tunnels
Going far from home
Social events
Public speeking

18-06-14, 11:00
wow! We all have so much in common. It is scary how these things can make us feel so scared and fearful isn't it? Xx

---------- Post added at 11:00 ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 ----------

and lior, this is the link to the poem about what happened to me. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=155511