View Full Version : swollen lymph nodes

16-06-14, 20:36
the gp keeps telling me to wait longer to see if they go down. I dont see any obvious signs of infection though so I am convinced its cancer. Its been swollen for 3 weeks.

I am so angry about this I dont know what to do.

16-06-14, 20:59
hi ive had a swollen lymph node since February and had high white blood count which sent my anxiety through the roof.second blood test came back normal but i still have swollen lymph node and my Dr doesn't seem concerned. I know its hard but try not to worry

16-06-14, 21:06
I've had 2 swollen nodes in Jan this year when I had an ear infection. How big are yours and where abouts are they?

I have one behind my jaw and one lower down my neck - posterior cervical lymph node according to google images lol.

16-06-14, 21:24
This is what happened. I first noticed just one lump (obviously a lymph node) in my neck. I went to the gp who wasnt concerned. There was no pain at this point. But then sometime after that I noticed more nodes coming up. There were some near my right armpit and now there are more on the left side. Both the armpit area and the supraclavicular area are affected.
In addition the ones under the armpit became quite painful. And now it seems the inguinal nodes are also swollen and slightly sore. None of the nodes are bigger than 1cm but they are definitely swollen and the pain is pretty uncomfortable at times.

01-07-14, 14:18
I am feeling very upset about this. Still have swollen glands and its taking the doctors a long time to look into this. I dont even have a referral for an ulutrasound. So it will take a further 3 weeks before I get the ultrasound and even then, it doesnt rule out lymphoma. I have to have the dreaded biopsy for that.