View Full Version : hey

16-06-14, 20:51
hi im just introduceing my self my name is aaron and i think i am starting or has been building up for along time with ocd and i am struggling to do day to day tasks. i was given this web site by my mental health worker they said it might be good to chat to people that may be experiening the samw type of feelings

16-06-14, 20:55
Hi Aaron,
Welcome to NMP :)

16-06-14, 20:57
hey thanks but i realy dont feel it and feel so alone and helpless

16-06-14, 21:09
There's lots of people on this site who have all sorts of difficulties, I hope you will find that you can share things and get support and tips from them.
Are you on any meds to help?
Its good that your mental health worker has put you in touch with NMP,I've found it very supportive.

16-06-14, 21:12
yes on medication for the depression but not the anxity or ocd. iv never done forum chat coz part of my ocd is i cant wait for a reply or i get stuck on that site for ages so it is hard for me this coz its causeing abit more anxity

16-06-14, 21:18
I've been recovering from depression and anxiety.
I've also had OCD,but its much less now.
Meds and talking to people have helped a lot to understand it.
Have you had any CBT or anything like that?

16-06-14, 21:22
they will not see me in cbt as i have tried attempting suicide to many times so i have to wait till i can stop harming my self before they will see me. i have tried not to do it but when you live on your own its hard not to when all you think about is doing the worst

17-06-14, 05:51
What do you mean by mental health worker? Could it be Doctor or nurse or counsellor?

17-06-14, 10:08
its someone that comes and sees me at home and helps me with what im trying to deal with

17-06-14, 10:33
How have you found the site so far Aaron?
Has reading other peoples experiences helped?