View Full Version : Just an update

16-06-14, 23:02
I'm the one who posted about having gallbladder surgery on January 8, walking up one morning 2 1/2 weeks after surgery feeling the shortness of breath day and night. This has been going on since January 25. I was also experiencing tightness in chest, soreness in throat, head in fog. Those symptoms came and went, weren't continuous as the shortness of breath was.

I went through all kinds of testing by a pulmonologist and a cardiologist, blood work and all came up normal. Oxygen levels at 100%. Thinking that possibly it was anxiety related although I really didn't feel it was, I did go for counselling and I saw a psychiatric doctor to get put on a med. After talking with me and me telling him about the surgery he began to wonder if in fact my symptoms of shortness of breath were in fact related to the surgery, that something got irritated and I gained anxiety as a result. He said he has had patients with shortness of breath that has come and gone but no one has ever had it continuous for weeks on end with no relief. I said to him that if it's possible it is physical, would it resolve itself in time and he seems to feel it would. I actually call this shortness of breath "a suffocation feeling". I'm inhaling/exhaling normally, I don't feel out of breath but it feels more like someone has put a pillow over my face.

I have been on Prozac for 3 1/2 weeks now and it took away the soreness in throat, the tightness in chest, the head in fog. I'm not so anxious about this suffocation feeling (that is not so intense anymore but still there) and I have a positive outlook in whatever is going on (whether physical or anxiety)it will work its way out. My husband and I get out and do things - movies, shopping, walks, etc despite all what is going on and I try to ignore the symptom as much as possible. What can I do otherwise? What is strange is that I honestly thought it had gone away for good yesterday. I had no suffocation feeling all day and evening but this morning there it was again. Darn!

Anyhow the nurse I now see because the doctor has left this clinic would like me to be on the Prozac for at least a good 6 months and I'm fine with that. It keeps me from being anxious about the suffocation feeling. She would also like me to wean off the night med that the doctor had also prescribed for sleep and I'm good with that because the Prozac alone at 20mg was making me sleepy throughout the day so I take it at bedtime now.

Sorry for this being so long. The whole thing is just so odd. One of life's mysteries? Who knows. I'm thankful for the helping hand via the med.

Thanks for reading.

17-06-14, 07:40
I am glad to hear that things are getting better for you and hope you continue to improve. Take care x

17-06-14, 13:57
Thank you Humly.

17-06-14, 14:42
Hi Idawmn,

Sometimes, anxiety can manifest itself in ways we may not recognize. Personally, I never dealt with it until February of this year when I started feeling irritable and tense. Ironically, it coincided with my follow up appointments with my cancer team. On the cancer forums, they call it "scanxiety". I thought I was handling things fine and then, seemingly out of the blue, I was getting chest pain, I was cranky and irritable, sleeping was off. Long story short, It was temporary anxiety brought on by the worry/stress of possible cancer recurrence that coincides with the actual exams.

I recognized it as such mostly due to reading of other's symptoms here. It also ramped up some acid reflux issues I've had for years. So, a good PPI and a "chill pill" to take around check up time has alleviated the issue.

Your story is like mine in many ways in that the meds alleviated much of the physical symptoms you were experiencing. Seems like it was almost a PTSD situation for you like my ordeal was for me and it sounds like you're managing quite well. Glad to hear you're feeling better :)

Positive thoughts

17-06-14, 16:00
Thanks for sharing your story Fishmanpa.

It's just so weird because I was looking forward to getting the nasty gallbladder out and when it was gone I felt so relieved. I was eating normally once again, on my way to recovery and bam this suffocation feeling out of nowhere. My husband did mention to me later that I had been complaining about the tightness between two incisions (below sternum and belly button) for awhile after the surgery.

I had an appendix out in my younger years and it never bothered me. I've had tooth extractions where I was knocked out and it never bothered me.

Anyhow whether physical or anxiety, the key for me is to keep thinking positive that it will work its way out, keep moving and not even think about it. I feel pretty good today again compared to yesterday.

All the best to you.

17-06-14, 19:30
So pleased things are looking up for you now! Anxiety is nuts at times. Makes us think we have other illnesses when we haven't.

Good luck with the weaning off your sleep meds xx