View Full Version : Antidepressants doing more harm than good

17-06-14, 09:33
For the past 3 years I've been on antidepressants , all different types , for depression and anxiety. At the beginning of this year I was put on 150mg sertraline as my depression was getting worse but I've come to realise a few things since being on them and the thing's I've realised none of them are good things , all bad. When I was given prozac , not sure of the name we use here in the uk , I think my personality started to change in a negative way. For example , when I started taking antidepressants I started researching conspiracy theories then one day I stumbled upon a guy who goes by the name of David Icke. I've been obsessed ever since. At one point I went around telling people places to avoid , that there beliefs are all there to keep them under control and just stuff like that , rather silly I suppose. Then I started noticing how I was becoming less interested in having sex with my fiancé as I don't feel no desire and I find it extremely hard to keep an erection. Nothing worse being half way there then you go flat. It has completely destroyed my confidence , self esteem and I'm scared of any intimacy as I know where sometimes this can lead. My fiancé and myself haven't had sex in over a year now ! Bad I know. I also am more impulsive than before like if I want something I will go for it without thinking about the consequences , good or bad. I have also become obsessed with religion and spirituality as I somehow think I need to be a better person. I was normal before taking antidepressants. Now all I have is more problems and I'm seriously thinking of going cold turkey I know your not supposed to but so what , I'm already in a bad place. My doctor will just keep me on them as depression is in my family. I don't know what to do.

17-06-14, 17:59
If you're not happy on the tablets, then come off. I'm in the same situation where I feel my tablets are making my mood low which has had an effect on my marriage as I'm just so miserable and being low sets anxiety off.

I have had instances where I've just wanted to quit cold turkey, but I haven't because I'm aware that stopping cold turkey could potentially just make me worse (even though it doesn't feel like it could get any worse) best thing to do is taper down and see how you feel. I'm feeling happier already going from 45mg-30mg

17-06-14, 20:26
I don't know what I'm supposed to do though as they make me feel better mentally. I can do without the emotions but not the sexual side effects. I don't want to talk to doctor as he will just say it's best I keep taking them. I don't know. I feel lost and alone.

17-06-14, 21:07
I do think that in years to come the prescribing of antidepressants will be frowned upon and I think they will be seen as benzodiazepines are now-highly addictive.

17-06-14, 22:28
Dave, you feel better mentally that is great, I wouldn't go cold turkey, you should see your doctor and explain how you feel, may be they might change you to a different medication as your mental state being good is so important ..good luck :)