View Full Version : Hello

17-06-14, 11:29

I have looked at this site quite a lot over the years but recent events have given me cause to join and share my problems, but this is my story so far...

I had my first diagnosis of stress/anxiety/depression when I was 13, which resulted in a course of family therapy and a few sessions with a CPN. I managed to bumble along until my mid 20’s, which was when I had my first (quite public) panic attack and breakdown, because of a work issue. It caused me to leave my job and I was subsequently prescribed citalopram, CBT with an OT and Art therapy, which over a period of about 5 years and with some work related training, I managed to get back into work. The work place was horrible but I coped and managed to stay there whilst I looked and secured a new job elsewhere, to cut a long story short (I may tell it on another thread on the forum), I ended up walking out of the first job a week before my official leaving date, the panic attacks returned and I could not face the new job or even talking to the people who offered me the job.

Fast forward to now, which is 3.5 years later, I have had general/social anxiety for most of this time but I managed to stop the citalopram, it’s never felt right for me, and I have just been resorting to propranolol on very bad days. I don’t work enough hours, so I have little money and this is a constant worry, the only reason I am fed, clothed and kept warm is due to my long suffering partner. I feel like I've burnt too many bridges and my reputation is in tatters, as far as the world of work is concerned and I can’t see how to get back into the work environment in my field or any other. I feel isolated, as if no one can help me and I don’t know which way to turn. I have episodes of feeling like I don’t want to leave the house in case I bump into someone I have embarrassed myself in front of, panicked in front of or not turned up for an appointment for because of anxiety and this goes right back to people I went to school with up to the most recent people I have worked with and includes strangers.

I’m a bit lost/stuck/sad at the moment, apologies for the long introduction but thanks for reading if you did.

Blagger Boy
17-06-14, 12:03
Welcome :)

I've just joined myself and there seems to be some nice people around here.

I hope you find what you're looking for :)

17-06-14, 13:10
Hey welcome,this place is full of like minded people with similar problems,I have ocd and gad,it's testing sometimes,but hey you make the most of it and come out the other side stronger than before,these things makes us different but gives us the qualities we have :)