View Full Version : DVT scares. Please help me rationalise!

17-06-14, 14:12
Hey everyone.

I'm having a difficult time rationalising my thoughts. Sometimes i get a mild pain in my right leg when I'm lying down. It usually goes away upon sitting up and walking around, however it has hung around for an hour or so. Usually, I can get passed these thoughts but not tonight.

I'm overcome in fear about possibly having a blood clot. I broke the first commandment of overcoming health anxiety by consulting dr google. I haven't done this for a while for reasons which I again realised tonight.

I was having a fairly anxiety-free day today - something positive considering I haven't experienced one of them since this anxiety took over me. Now I'm feeling incredibly vulnerable and in fear that I have a blood clot.

Any kind words, or words at all, will be greatly appreciated!!!

21-06-14, 15:12

I have this feeling all the time, I keep panicking that I have clots in my legs, but I have had the same feeing for weeks, but I have to ask, would I still be walking around with blood clots for 11 weeks in my legs? I doubt it.

All I can tell you that it gets easier, but it's a hard slog. I've been to 3 docs now who's felt and necked my legs, even one told me what I should have if I had a clot, which I didn't!

It ain't convinced me yet, but there is tiny voice somewhere in my head saying it's not a clot, it's the mouthy sod screaming it is that needs shooting.

Best of luck mate

21-06-14, 21:02
This is one of my fears at the moment as I sometimes get a sharp pain on a certain point behind my knee, also my right leg is ever so slightly thicker than my left (I have read this is common).
I once read that if it was DVT, the pain would be constant, not here and there.
Even when you don't truly believe you have one, the fear of 'what if' is still there isn't it. Well I have been convinced that I had one for about 5 or 6 weeks now, now my fear is moving onto heart failure :shrug: