View Full Version : Tired of my life, been told I've got heart failure (I think!)

17-06-14, 15:47
Afternoon all

Three or so months ago I was at the gym, exercising, when I started to struggle to get my breath. Up until that point, I was doing really well, but decided to nip along to the doctors to see what had happened for a couple of weeks after, whenever I walked even a short distance, I was getting out of breath.

Original doc did an ECG and said I'd had a heart attack, which was pretty frightening. Then I had a second ECG done where they turned around and said I had a tiny blip but nothing to worry about, and that a heart attack was a definite no. They then sent me for a chest x-ray which showed a lump in my lung, which panicked me, but then that turned out to be nothing. They've recently done another ECG in the hospital and I got a copy of the letter they sent to my doctor (they sent it to me, else I wouldn't have read it).

The letter reads: 'Patient was a poor echo study (which I imagine is because I'm fat) but has at least mild LVSD on his left side'. Because I was drunk when I opened the letter, I looked up LSVD (I normally stay away from google) and it is basically heart failure. My partner went mad at me because I've basically told myself I'm dying, but I have loads of symptoms which correlate with heart failure - fatigue, vision problems, bloated belly, depression, swollen ankles, breathlessness. I've been told to go to a heart clinic for more tests but it's not for a while. Everything is glacial here in the UK but at least we don't need to pay for it.

In terms of my anxiety, it's creeping back up - but are you surprised? I've had two cancer scares (they also found a hard lump in my man-boob) and been told I'd had a heart attack. I got really bad last year and went on medication which sorted me out, but this is taking some getting over. I don't know if I'm reading too much into the letter but I've got no-one to really ask and I'm definitely not going to google again!

I'm a youngish guy, 29, who up until the first 'panic' was doing really well at the gym and genuinely feeling like I was turning my life around. I'm 22 stone, 6ft 1. Non-smoker for three years, smoked for three. I used to eat a lot of crap, but cut all that back.

I'm posting because part of me thinks the tight chest, breathlessness is down to my anxiety rearing its head (and certainly I've started twitching and worrying again, which I always do when I'm anxious). But I can't tell myself it's just anxiety :(

17-06-14, 16:51
I believe that is something you're born with. Worst case you might need surgery, but it says heart failure is rare with that. I'd go easy with physical activity until they do a stress test.

17-06-14, 18:45
I mean this in the nicest possible way, but carrying around 22 stone is likely to make anyone breathless and will put a lot of pressure on your heart.

17-06-14, 19:08
left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) as far as I know can be controlled with medication. It doesn't mean you are dying (actually we all are from the minute we are born!) It is not a death sentence and I think you should ask to speak to your doctor to have it explained further. Life style changes (exercise, diet etc.) will benefit you a lot.

17-06-14, 20:02
Thank you Annie and Yossino - that helps :)

UKmamainUS, you're bloody right about the weight trust me! No need to be tactful but see that's what I was working hard to shift and turn around!

17-06-14, 20:07
I get what you ara saying - the flippin' irony!

17-06-14, 20:29
From my own experience (I used to be a bit of a health freak until this year) if your goal is to lose weight alone diet is far more effective than gym exercise. That was the case for me at least, we're all built differently though. I'm sure you can get down to a healthy weight by the time the year's out by addressing diet, even if it's not excessively unhealthy now.

With respect to the heart issue, I can't really comment. From quick googling it seems that it's only sometimes considered heart failure by a very academic definition of heart failure, by the clinical definition (i.e. the reality of the symptoms of actual patients) it isn't. I'm not a doctor though, that's just from an objective interpretation of Dr. Google.

Heart issues aren't always necessarily serious, and many of the non-serious ones are pretty much entirely treatable with modern medicine. As mentioned above, this seems to be the case in this instance. However luckily your doctors don't seem to be worried so chin up!

Catherine S
17-06-14, 20:59
You say you were drunk when you opened the letter....you were drunk in the morning you mean? If you're consuming a lot of alcohol that will have an impact on your energy levels and breathing as well as weight. Alcohol and sugar are like poison in your system and I've certainly felt better since giving up drinking and cutting down on sugar. Take care.


18-06-14, 11:39

Haha, I can see how that looked, but no, I opened the letter when I came home after work and a night out! :)

Serenity - thank you for the kind words and looking on google for me - appreciated and helpful. I'm going to see my doc tonight just to ask a few questions and hopefully get some comfort.

18-06-14, 17:45
if you are having trouble losing weight have you considered gastric surgery ... i had a band fitted last year ( approx 16 months ago ) i had sleep apnea and gained weight thru no energy and being tired and eating of course !! over 10 years ... in having the band fitted i have now lost nearly 7 stone and am much healthier in a lot of ways for it sleep apnea is just about gone .. and no copd it seems now as they thought i did have it .. just left with the heart anxiety lol ... i would deffo go docs and have them fully explain the letter to you and the further tests and when you can expect them to happen at least then you will know whats going on and when its coming :)

Good luck xx