View Full Version : Feel so low now

17-06-14, 19:01
My gad has been at bay( well under control) fora few months and today I had an interview for promotion. Deep down I knew I was not good enough and now feel stupid for going for the job..anyway I never got the job I did the best and was proud of myself for having the guts to do it but now I feel so low and I wanna cry..I am telling everyone around me I'm fine and I'm not worried and that's life etc but deep down I am disappointed in myself and me keep thinking if I'm not good enough and will I ever be and bam here comes back my gad...along with panic attacks etc..I so hate me some times

17-06-14, 19:27
Feeling nervous about an interview and then beating yourself up about it is a normal reaction. Its just we are slightly more sensitive because we've become fearful of the anxious feeling and thus it grows more.

Do something you enjoy to lift yourself up and know that you've pulled through before and will do it again. Rejection from a job is natural. I had a really big interview in Feb. I had to teach a small group of children in front of a panel just for a classroom assistant Job, I spent money on my resources and then apparently got pipped to the post by someone more experienced. It upset me as I was in a vulnerable place, but I just carried on and I'm now back at work. So don't lose heart, more opportunities will come. Just look forward to when it does happen. Xx

17-06-14, 19:47
Thank you very much much for your kind words..the place I work is very if your face don't fit etc...the thing is I have been standing in for the person that has left intill the new person came along. I do feel abit used and not sure I want to stay working for a company like this if you know what I mean...but at the moment I have no choice as I need a job...but I'm not feeling the great about it and thinking if I have been good enough for the last 3 months then why not now...I wish I have asked for more money for these extra things I have been doing lol

17-06-14, 21:14
Yeah you should have asked for a payrise! Lol

How you're feeling is pretty normal- just a little bit more difficult because you're over sensitised. Its the same with me, I can be doing fine but as soon as I take a knock, I worry I can't cope with the nervous feeling. You just need to build your confidence back up and that will come along soon, it might be gradual but you will get better.

I've been a stay at home mummy for 4years with a autistic child and I'm only 22. I feel better now I'm back at work, because I'm growing with confidence again. Xx

17-06-14, 21:23
Yep no worries but first thing on my list is asking why I never got a bonus or extra pay....I now do feel totally used... I know my company is struggling financial and I thought It would look better on me for not mentioning money but hey some one new is coming in and they are going to be on better pay than me and I have just been standing in...inface as my company never respond to phone calls I think I will email them right now xxxx ty Hun for you advice