View Full Version : surely I'm not going through withdrawal so soon?

17-06-14, 19:55
About a month ago my doctor prescribed me .5mg lorazapam add needed for my anxiety. At first I didn't use it daily, maybe every other day, Then about two and a half weeks ago I starting taking it daily because of health anxiety. Then I told her it didn't really seem to be doing anything (it never had even from day one) so she upped the dose and I've taken 1mg a day for about a week. Well today I wore up and didn't feel any anxiety so didn't take one. By lunch time I started feeling depressed and started crying. Can't stop at all. Full blown depression. Could this really be withdrawal already our just a coincidence? I've never taken any drugs other than ibuprofen and asthma meds for any longer than a week before do forgive my ignorance.

18-06-14, 10:20
Benzodiazepines are for short term relief a month max. You need to talk to your doctor of you want to no longer take them. To be safe you will be tapered off of them.

To answer your question, yes it can be this soon. The insidious thing is this, Usually the withdraw symptom will usually be the opposite of why you started taking it in the first place. calm/anxiety sleep/insomnia etc etc.

It is nothing that will harm you. Just talk to your doctor if you want to discontinue taking a Benzodiazepine.