View Full Version : Family argument is breaking me in two

17-06-14, 21:15
Hey, I have OCD and recently my family had a massive disagreement... and they have more or less split in two halfs and I have to decide who to live with and I refuse to take a side in this or hurt anyone but it is making me feel crazy and really nervous, I feel spaced out and jittery and I cannot think straight and I'm so confused.... what should or can I do?

17-06-14, 22:48
Hi sorry to hear your having such a bad time, may be don't make any plans to live elsewhere until you feel better in yourself, moving houses can be stressful enough without feeling unsure or anxious about your move.
Take care and welcome to the site

Daisy Sue
17-06-14, 23:01
Sorry to hear of your predicament :( Do you have a family member who's unbiased, not on either side.. maybe an uncle or someone who's not directly involved in the issues but who knows you well.. if so, enlist their help, talk to them, and see if a bit of outside advice might help you decide.

Good luck, I hope things go as smoothly as possible for you.

20-06-14, 12:39
Thanks for the replies, sadly no one who is unbiased lives near me, I guess I will just do my best to ignore it but hearing from you both has helped

22-06-14, 18:19
Sorry to hear your going through this : (

I've been through this too and it always increases my anxiety. I would listen to music with earphones on or watch something on tv in my room to try and lower my anxiety and distract myself from the arguing, shouting.

I would try and make sure I wasn't near my family when they used to argue, just so I didn't have to listen to what they were saying. Try your best to ignore it :)

Sorry I can't be much help but I know how stressful it can be, Your definitely not the only one :) best wishes.