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View Full Version : Scalp tingling/numbness...

18-06-14, 00:52
Last night, I was woken up with a certain area of my head/scalp (felt more like the back) numb/tingling... It's been making me anxious all day now and I was just wondering if anyone has had this happen to them? Lately, I've been getting headaches as well pretty often. I've also gotten a new tattoo in the past week and have to sleep in certain positions so as to not sleep on it, and I noticed that my neck was sore when I woke up this morning, too. I'm healthy for my age (21) and even though I know it's more than likely anxiety and not something critical like a stroke, it's still worrying me as that's one of my biggest fears.

18-06-14, 01:09
I've been having similar headaches and sensations in my scalp the past couple of months. I understand your worry, I'm constantly worried for the exact same reason. I'm always posting on here worrying about my head. I've been to my GP about it and he doesn't seem to think it's anything sinister and anytime I've posted here about it I've been reassured that it's just tension headaches. I started using tiger balm on my head the past few days because I read on a forum that it can be good. I don't know if it's gotten rid of the headaches or if the tingling sensation it causes on my forehead distracts me from the headache but it definitely helps. There's a white one or a red one but the white one is the one for headaches. Hope this helps :)

18-06-14, 01:15
It sounds absolutely nothing at all like a stroke. It's most likely tightness in your cervical spine (the bit in your neck) from how you were sleeping. Alternatively iust good old anxiety.

18-06-14, 01:36
Thanks, to the both of you! I also just remembered it was more so the top of my head, if that even makes a difference? I was pretty much 99% asleep still when all this was going on, plus it was freezing in my room last night so maybe I was just really cold and getting those tingles for that reason too? UGH so many theories!

18-06-14, 02:00
Well as you mention neck pain, the cranial nerves that give sensation for the scalp and face originate from the cervical spine in the neck, to up the back of your scull and over and around it. Given that you've given yourself neck pain by sleeping badly and the tingling at the back of the scull has arrived at the same time I'd say you can pretty much relax. ;)