View Full Version : Health Anxiety...HELP

18-06-14, 04:12
Hi all,
I dont know where to start...
Since I was about 18 I found the symptoms of a heart attack and it has caused me to consistently think I'm dying...not figuratively. ..LITERALLY!
I have been to the doctors for heart tests blood work etc.
Most recently about 3 months ago..
They tell me to take more Paxil.
Which is fine I dont mind to take anything if it helps and I've been on paxil or generic paxil for about 12 years...
I get spurts I guess where it gets bad...
My head hurts=stroke or tumor
Chest pain=Heart Attack
Left arm pain=heart attack
Etc etc....
Basically a symptom of something comes up and I convince myself I have something severe happening...
The sad part is that in my mind I know its anxiety and panick attacks but I cant stop it.
Cant stop the thoughts something is very wrong...
For instance:
For the last 2 days I have been getting sharp shots of pain that last a second on the left side of my head..ive been dizzy off and on and my minds racing...
Panic attack or do I meed to go to a hospital...
I dont like going there and being told im basically nuts..
I know anxiety disorder causes symptoms of badder things but I cant stop...

I am a manager of a metal shop, have 2 kids a fiancè with whom we argue semi often and money is always a problem...stress?
My mind is getting the best of me...it has for many years and I just need like minded people to tell me im ok and they have these same symptoms. .

Is there anybody out there??

Many thanks in advance!

Andy bongo
22-06-14, 19:49

I have a long term health condition that was missed for many years so I found it difficult to define what was genuine or my mind playing tricks on me. I'm not completely over my panic attacks or health anxiety but I live a full life and don't spend everyday in fear.

Sounds like you have a plate full of stress, how it was explained to me was imagine a bucket, every time you stress you poor water in that bucket, when the bucket over flows you have a panic attack or severe anxiety.

The key is to keep emptying the bucket, I personally was very against medication but I know some swear by it but in reality though to empty the bucket is about taking time for you. Write down ten simple things that bring you genuine pleasure and then commit to doing two everyday.

Start a diary of the thoughts then ask yourself what would a friend say? If you know in your heart of hearts it's anxiety then when you get the feelings come back read your diary, and keep reading it until it becomes a reality. Also make sure you have been checked by a doc to be sure, then ask for the results to be written. Keep them in your diary, this is your safety net, you know you are ok.

Once you have that then you literally have to think, what ever happens, happens. Sounds crazy but if you were having heart issues what's worrying going to do to help? It will make it worse and the beauty is you know, you have the test results you are clear.

Stay strong but if you commit to these actions I bet you feel improvement.

Also, make sure your diet is good and you exercise, without that it's near impossible to feel truly better.

Hope this helps