View Full Version : Hello again

18-06-14, 10:13
I so hoped I wouldn't have to go through this again,

Back in September last year I got very very worried about bowel cancer, my doctor did all the relevant checks, I was sent to see a specialist who performed a barium enema and assured me that everything was fine

Now I'm having dull aches under my right ribs, and very dark urine, I've been to see my dr today who wants to rule out gallstones, however I stupidly googled my symptoms and pancreatic cancer was there, now I'm back to square 1 again panicking about cancer, it's having an effect on my marriage now aswell as my wife is fed up of my constant worrying and general moods,

In a bit of a rut at the moment and can't see a way out if I'm honest.

18-06-14, 11:24
Hi Juggsy, I'm sorry you've been unwell. It always is a worry when we have health problems, but for those of us with anxiety issues sometimes we just worry far too much about things that are never likely to happen. Google is not our friend, I know it's hard but you should ban yourself from using it and resolve to listen to your doctor instead!

Have you gotten any help with your anxiety in all this time you've been having problems? Have you chatted to your doctor or considered something like CBT?

18-06-14, 12:56
Hi, I know google is a bad place to look at times, however I find myself looking at it as usually if I mention bring I'll my wife just rolls her eyes in a not again manner

Being a mental health nurse herself I thought she would be more sympathetic, however maybe my constant worrying has worn her down..... Not sure of my next step.... I'll await my bloods and scan results and take it from there.... One thing I know is I don't want to feel this way forever...

18-06-14, 13:50
That's definitely a good next step for your physical health, but what's your next step for your mental health?

18-06-14, 16:03
I really have no idea.....

18-06-14, 16:08
Well, your wife is a mental health nurse, maybe she has some suggestions?

It's possible she's frustrated not because of your anxiety condition, but because you're still focused on your physical health rather than taking steps to deal with your mental health. She might be glad if you sit down with her and ask what advice she has, or if you make an appointment with your doctor to talk about your anxiety problem.

You've got to take some action if you want to get out of your rut!

24-06-14, 23:39
I've gone to the doctors and I'm in process of having bloods and ultrasound done, I'll see how these tests are then decide my next move I suppose

Had a really bad day today.. Hit some bad low points, I really don't want to take anti depressants I'm hoping there's something else I can do