View Full Version : Latest Obsession

18-06-14, 12:18
Hi guys,

Long term HA sufferer here and general stress head.

Firstly, I just want to say that I find real comfort in reading these message boards. It is nice to know that there are people out there who 'get it!'

Im 30 years old and over the years I have 'had' brain tumours, colon cancer, stomach cancer, cerical cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, heart attacks, strokes, bone cancers...i could go on and on.

Recently, my latest 'obession' is with ovarian cancer. Does anyone else struggle with this?

Ive always had irregular periods since coming off the pill about 10 years ago. Sometimes Ill go for months without. Sometimes they will be fairly regular. Sometimes theyre really light and at other times really heavy. Ive also struggled with spotting for as long as I can remember.

Anyway, last week I started with a horrible pain in my low, left back. Its fine when standing or laying flat but very painful to sit. Painkillers provide temporary relief. Also, Im slightly constipated (TMI!)

Yesterday, after I ate a McDonalds, I developed indigestion and took Rennies for relief. After that, I spent about 3 hours belching! Today I feel sick.

Basically, I visited Dr Google (against the best advice of my therapists) and have diagnosed myself with terminal ovarian cancer and find myself wanting to cancel my wedding in November because obviosuly ill either be dead or so sick from chemotherapy and be on my death bed.

Although every rational bone in my body is trying to persuade me that its probably something and nothing, that little niggle just will not go away. Was hoping to hear from people who have had something similar.

Thanks in anticipation

22-06-14, 18:32
yes! I am currently thinking I have ovarian and cervical cancer. last year i was worried about pancreatic, stomach, colon cancer- MS, ALS, lupus etc. I have all sorts of symptoms and I am driving me and my family crazy. My husband finally told me the other night that our child is the only glue keeping us together because I am such a freak. The only thing that gives me comfort is that I have thought that I had all of these things before so I recognize the pattern. I truly understand where you are at. I keep thinking I won't be able to see my little boy grow up because I am dying. My doctor has seen me about 5 or 6 times this year. she knows how crazy I can get. Anyhow I just got an abnormal pap back and she told me not to worry because whatever it is-it's not terminal. But naturally I don't believe her and I have lower back pain, pelvic pain, loss of appetite etc... Thing is now I believe this is it. But I think the key thing to remember is the fact that you have worried about many other diseases in the past as a huge indicator that this is just another one on the list. And every time I get the all clear I relax until another symptom arrises and I am back on Dr. Google. I really think it's time to get a therapist. I don't know if I have helped you but really I can tell you that everyone in my family dodges me because this is all I think and talk about. It sucks.

22-06-14, 18:58
I've been through the OC obsession when I had what I thought was a urine infection. That spiralled out if control to OC where I turned up at the docs surgery in a state. Turned out I had pulled a muscle. Obviously once that obsession had been ticked off I developed twitching and so for the past 5/6 months I've been focussing on MND. Currently obsessing about my elbow and hands hurting which seem to get better when I'm busy or around people but flare up when I'm alone. To note in the past I've "had" breast, mouth, lung cancer. HIV and a stroke xxx

22-06-14, 20:20
I have the exactly the same symptoms going on I have pelvic pain,nausea,lower back pain,constapaptipn and now I think my tummy is bloated! I done exactly the same as u DR google who told me I had that , cervical or bowel cancer but more ovarian as symptoms match! My periods are also all over the shop since having my son then going on the pill I literally haven't had one for nearly 3 months! Not preg at all! I think I have it sooo much I literally keep crying I some see my son grow up too! It's stressful my partner stresses out too and gets angry at me! I think I have had brain tumor x4 stomach cancer, stroke and some other bits. It's highly unlikely u have it Hun, if the doctor was worried even a little bit it's that she would tell u. Try just to relax xx soo much easier for me to say it others I don't take any of my advice!