View Full Version : Lex and hot flashes?

18-06-14, 13:34
Hey all,
So yesterday was my first day in lex 10mg for panic attacks. I'm 24 years old and never had a history of panic attacks in the past. Had a great family growing up and everything in my life was actually going perfect before I encountered what my pdoc described was my first panic attack. The problem is, because I had no major stressors or anything going on in my life it's hard me to accept that what I experienced was a panic attack and not something more serious. This is led me to start having obsessive thoughts over what exactly happened to me that can't get out of my head. My doc prescribed me lex and I took my first pill yesterday. I was feeling "ok" for most of the day but at night while watching tv with my dad I experienced some sort of hot flash where my whole face got flushed and it almost felt like I was rolling or something haha. It only lasted about 5 minutes but scared the crap out of me. I am just wondering if this image normal and maybe it's a side effect as my body gets used to the medication? Thanks

19-06-14, 21:01
Hi Bgary,

Yes, this is perfectly normal especially as your body gets used to the med. I've been on cipralex (aka Lexapro) for 3 years and went through a number of irritating start up effects that went away over time. If you can ride out the side effects and get to the "sweet spot" you'll be feeling better in no time! That said, if you're concerned about a side effect, just give a quick call to your doc or even your pharmacist as they will have a list and some experience with what's normal in the situation.

Take care.
