View Full Version : Had a blip and disappointed in myself

18-06-14, 14:26
Found something on me, freaked out, googled it. Turned out to be normal.

The entire time I was saying to myself do I NEED to know now? Is it hurting me NOW? What do I think it is? And I was saying back 'but it doesn't hurt to check online just to see', but it does and now I feel guilty and stupid for panicking over nothing again. :(

Is this what recoverys going to be like? Will I have more resistance each time? Will I stop beating myself up over this?

18-06-14, 14:56
Dont be too hard on yourself. We all do it and more often than not wish we hadnt as we find some scare story or whatever. I'm sure it will get easier as you start feeling better. You wont be as anxious about everything and wont feel the need to check every time. Just like I dont feel the need to be on this forum all the time when I am feeling ok but unfortunately I seem to be here permanently of late. Dont worry you WILL get through this x

18-06-14, 15:55
Don't beat yourself up, Neon! We tend to be so hard on ourselves, but I am learning to talk to myself the way I would talk to a friend if they had felt they messed up. We wouldn't tell them that they are stupid and shouldn't have done such and such because they know better. Instead, we would try to comfort them and say things like "hey, so what that you googled that symptom. You were scared and it was understandable. One day, you will not be so scared when you notice a symptom and you will stop googling because you know it is not going to help you much, but don't beat yourself up about it." Anyway, hope this helps. Blessings!