View Full Version : Saw a post and its sent me spiralling back...

18-06-14, 15:14
Hi everyone,

I have just seen a post on here about someone who was chatting to her neighbour and discovered that someone on the street had HIV and had caught it through unprotected sex. It's sent me spiralling back into panic because i cant help but think that it's common enough for someone to know someone with HIV.

I still have the swollen glands in my neck and a dull ache down my right arm to my hand (the side that the gland is visibly swollen at the base of my neck) and i have painful glands under my jaw on both sides. I had such a rational day yesterday and today is just awful. Do i just take it one day at a time?

Does anyone have any tips for bringing back my rational thinking?

Catherine S
18-06-14, 15:29
What does the boy you slept with think of your fear. Don't you trust him when he tells you he is clear? And if he is clear then how do you think you are HIV positive?