View Full Version : Frequent fast heartbeat and sweaty hands

18-06-14, 15:36
Wish I could just be calm... I'm so stressed, even when there's seemingly nothing to be stressed about.

I have to meet new people so often and I'm afraid of how I will be perceived. Looking for a job is really hard. There's such high expectations.

18-06-14, 19:54
Try some Rhodiola while you're under stress looking for new jobs.

It does a little something for me, I like it.

18-06-14, 20:32
Expectations on people new to jobs are not as high as you think. As long as you are intuitive, polite, presentable and on time you have nothing to worry about. In my old job we loved having new people, purely because it was a change to our dull routine, and in my current job new people start all the time.

The unfortunate truth is we cannot like and be liked by everybody. People's opinions on us who we either never met before, only meet for a short time or mean little to our lives does not matter in hindsight. As long as your loved ones care about you then that is all that matters.

18-06-14, 22:36
You know what, it's not even whether I'm liked or not. I get the vibe from people that I am liked by most people.

When it comes to work, I've met so many people who have liked me but don't currently have the funds to employ me in a job I want to do. Then if they do have a job I want to do, there is so much harsh competition that I need to be better than everyone else. Being nice doesn't really make a difference. You don't get employed for being nice in my sector. You have to be creative, analytical, empathetic, experienced in the public sector, have business knowledge, tech knowledge, know how to make political change, make kick-ass graphics, good with people, know your design thinking s**t and articulate it well, be good at public speaking, highly organised... you have to be amazing at everything.

I don't have an MA and I don't know how to code well, or build a sustainable business. Oh yeah and I'm two years out of uni so I don't have decades of experience. Those are my weaknesses.

Where do you buy Rhodiola?

19-06-14, 11:45
I started with these
