View Full Version : Too much to bear ... Could gp help my anxiety?

18-06-14, 18:23
Me again.. Little miss miserable!!!
I've had enough with this ha - I've had two FBC tests done, examinations of my breasts, stomach and throat my three doctors and all they found was a uti which has cleared up ... I know I'm okay so why am I still so sad!?
I came home and collapsed onto my bed crying because I'm so confused, nothing hurts so what is wrong with me??
Should I go to my gp about all this?
She's quite unpersonable and I'm not sure she'd understand.
I've downloaded a self help guide.. Has anyone tried them? Did they so any good? Xxx

18-06-14, 19:20
Hi fj
I'm no doctor but it sounds like you are suffering from Depression too perhaps you should change doctors and explain how you feel to them.