View Full Version : I can't sleep from worry

18-06-14, 18:38

Around about 3 weeks ago I found a lump behind my ear. It wasn't overly large and I could move it with my fingers. Of course I researched it online and jumped to the conclusion that it was a swollen lymph node.

At that time, I began come down with a head cold/sore throat/sore ears - the usual stuff. I was ill for about 2 days and got back to full health. I am a very healthy person and look after myself.

The lump behind my ear has now gone down in size but it is still there. It doesn't hurt, but if I keep touching it (which I do) it will get a little bit sore. I've attempted to measure the size of it, after several failed attempts I would say it is around 0.5-0.6 centimetres. I have asked all my friends to touch and they say they can barely feel it and that I am worrying myself into the ground for no reason.

I can't see a doctor because I am working in the US at the moment. I know deep down that it is nothing and I probably get it all the time but never felt behind my ear.

Any advice on how to stop touching it or take my mind off it would be great! I CANNOT stop thinking about it, my mind won't shut off.

18-06-14, 19:11
Hi if its something that worries you then its something you need to get checked out really to put your mind at rest. I find that anything that's sore and you cant see always fills a lot bigger. Perhaps if it fills big get one of your friend to take a pic on there phone to show you ( might help ). Dr Google is never really much help on these matters as it will always give the worse case.

18-06-14, 21:15

Did you say you can move the lump? Is it soft?

If it is not hard and you can move it, it could be a sebaceous cyst. This is nothing to worry about.

Also even if it is your node if unless it is growing over time and it is hard and doesn't move, it is nothing to worry about. Obviously your lump has not grown, you said it even seems slightly smaller. Swollen nodes can take ages to go down, especially if you are paying attention to it and prodding it.

So I would say you are fine :-) But I honestly know how you feel. I am going through a situation myself right now and no matter how much i tell myself it is likely to be just stress and tension a part of me is worried to the point of utter panic.

Do you not have access to any health advice over there?


18-06-14, 22:04
It has 100 percent gotten smaller. Yes, it is soft/hardish but mostly soft if you get me?

It doesn't trouble me at all and I feel totally fine. I just want the little bugger to go away. I am home in around 4 weeks. To be honest, I know I am going to go to the doctors and they will tell me it's nothing!

I just need reassurance every now and then and I need to stop touching it!!!!