View Full Version : panics.......what do you do???

18-06-14, 19:53
Dear all...

I just finished typing something utterly big, but my mac decided it was a nice idea to wipe it all away... :lac:

I once was so bad I could not leave my home, I could not socialize , and I could not lead a normal life. No one would understand this feeling, unless they have experienced it. So I believe the best help you could get, is by someone who went through this, and overcame it alone. And that is me.

2010, it all began. I suffered a traumatic event. I was given medication (calming drugs) abroad, and told it was all in my head. All my worries, was in my head. Now 2014, I understand it all. I can cope, and I can overcome it all. Easier then I could have ever imagined, and to think that once I cried so much not knowing how I would escape such a nightmare.

We are all just human. We can’t take on so much stress sometimes, and its all just too much. And we are all of a sudden on this constant nerve racking drive, triggered and zapped with adrenalin. Then we keep stressing, so we keep having his zapped horrible energy inside, and that is when a panic attack can occur.

Let me add. In my family we are genetically prone to this, nervousness, panics, anxieties, and my untie has been give some electric shocks to try to make her recover/my great gran mother also. BUT WHY??? because they are uninformed. They do not no how to cope in the correct ways.

I want to help you all, to be like me. To overcome, and to succeed in the simple pleasures of life people forget how beautiful they are because they are ‘without these symptoms’.
But lets just say, you are so much more braver, because you need to go amongst your everyday lives, with all these stupid panics/and stresses.

Do you tell anyone about your problems?
I only told my mum. And actually she was the one who told me what was really wrong.. no it was not my sinus, no it was not my health, it was just my stress...all in my mind. I could not believe it myself. but soon i did.

What are your symptoms? I got panics, black outs, nervous all the time, spaced out, felt like i was floating when i walked, i could not walk normally without feeling like i could fall. I was scared to leave my house. when i spoke to someone i panicked, and they went blurry when i was looking at them, i could barely look at them. Noises and sounds were louder then normal....it was all just horrible.

What do you do to help yourself? I bathed in frankincense oil every night, I set goals. My first goal was to walk to wembley and back. Had to go with my mum at first, could hardly do it. Eventually i managed. Even today i still stress walking there, on the way there but not on the way back.
see its all in the mind...on the way....its terrible, on the way back...im ok...ok ish...
Then after that, i started to make diets, to help. Give me energy, stuff like fruit ; pineapple, and bananas. Certain teas to calm me... remedies for calming.

I never took medication, and after talking to nhs help over the phone i realized how *shite* the service was. And i that i was wasting my time being reminded that i have a ‘problem’.

I have a theory. If you go to see someone all the time, like at hospital... you will mentally keep reminding yourself you have a problem. But if you don’t and you just no what you got and deal with it in the ways i done. You WILL GET OVER IT. i promise you.

I had to change my route several times, firstly i changed it to avoid as much crowds as possible, then i eventually changed it to the worst way possible.... to put myself in every situation i hated. to FACE IT. i eventually

-dance in closing ceremony ...and was the kite girl. And i was the only one in the ‘cue’ of kites ready to take on the stage, who nervously jumped up and down with the heavy thing on my back to destress myself. But i did it. And that was my biggest goal i ticked off.

i also bought myself a console, nintendo dsi...to play to avoid couting people shoes on the train as a form of distraction. counting actually helps in panic attack mode.....but playing a game helps more. I had several black outs though, even whilst i played..it was very difficult for me :(

I am now a uk latin dancer, and my teacher knows how i suffered and said....wow...you went through all that and still went on stage?

Yes, because why? We are strong....

there is so much i can tell you...sooo much..... please feel free to email me. I am at work. I want to help you all. I am actually at a new job now, marketing and management at a clinic. Its very hard, and i am facing it with my head up strong. Because i overcame all my fears, and now I am stronger then i ever once was. Just imagine that, once you have faced it all, you will be so strong...

the secret, is effort. even when you are at square one again, the effort is the key... eventually you will be sick of it all, and understand what works best for you. Eventually it will pass you by, and you will be worrying what lipstick to wear, or what you hair looks like again


lots of love,

