View Full Version : never felt this before...i am really panicking

18-06-14, 20:32
I don't know what to do right now...

I felt this awful thing in my head this morning , like a short squeeze on my head, but like someone put nut cracker on the top of my temples and forehead and squeezed hard. It only lasted a few seconds. Didn't think too much about it to be honest. Then at work a felt it quite a few more times. Took paracetamol, wasn't too bad, I was getting a bit worried but not at the point of panic. Then this evening, i was just finishing my dinner and the squeezes started again, this time stronger, temples and all top front really but maybe pulling down the back of the head as well, not quite sure. I really went into panic at this point, with a hot flush, shakes and getting all worked up. It feels like my skull is going to get crushed. I had tension headaches before and other headaches, but never felt pain this physical. My son was trying to talk to me but I could not even focus on hearing him, I was completely worked up and thinking maybe i should call out of hours straight away, what if I pass out or something happens to me.

I have some shoulder tenderness and if i press at the bottom of my skull i feel a similar pain there like what i feel on my head,i keep trying to tell myself it is just spasms or something, maybe it's my neck or tension... I do feel tense and I don't sleep great either. But how do I know it isn't something serious?? How would I know... Everytime the pain starts i can't help but panic. I do feel like tension all the time and slight ache but the real pain comes in waves...

I am so scared something is going on with my brain.

18-06-14, 21:16
It sounds like a tension headache to me. You said you've had them before but not as bad, so maybe it could just be the fact that you didn't sleep great causing it. Tension headaches are described as a tight band or vise on the head so what you've described with the nut cracker is similar to that. Maybe try going to bed a bit earlier tonight and see how you are tomorrow. Hope you feel better soon :)

18-06-14, 23:50
It just feels different from previous tension headaches, they are supposed to be like dull pain band that is there constantly... this feels different, like a tightening but sharpish pain that comes on in waves

---------- Post added at 23:50 ---------- Previous post was at 22:41 ----------

I am in bed trying to sleep and the squeezing is bad again. If i press lots of areas on my head feel sore. If i could only believe it is tension, it's just when it squeezes it is so hard not to panic cause it feels awful. I suddenly feel wide awake when it happens from panic and like a shiver with fear tbh. It is hard to sleep...

19-06-14, 00:09
I have been going through something very similar for the past couple of months. I have stayed awake until 4 and 5 am most nights because I get so worried about my head. I have had the squeezing you've described along with other aches and pains in my temples/around my head and neck. I've posted on here quite a lot about it when I'm awake and anxious at 4am. I've been to get my eyes tested and also been to the GP about it. My GP seems to think it's just tension headaches. The only thing I could suggest for you is to go to your GP because it might help put your mind at rest. I understand how anxious you're probably feeling about it and I hope you manage to get some sleep and the pain gets better.

19-06-14, 00:38
If it helps tension headaches are caused by contractions of the muscles and the sore area is likely to be the source of the tension headache. i had a very severe TH and a couple of days later I could see a perfectly straight line from my eyebrow to the corner of my forehead which i immedatiely though must be the tensed up muscle.

19-06-14, 00:41
Hi You Two,

Don't Panic over these, I have had them too and they do eventually go away. There are several type of headaches/head pain and I think I have probably had them all. They are all Tension headache/pains. I saw lots and lots of Doctors about these and they all confirm the same thing. And of course, we get more tensed with the fright of the pain/ache that it then causes more pain.
There's the one like a tight band round the head. The dull throbbing pain in the left or right temple, the sharp shooting pain throughout the head and probably the most scary of them all; the Ice-pick Headache. They can occur all over the head, down the neck and round the base of the skull. They can affect your ears, eyes and nose as well.
Now, just to put your minds at rest, the Doctors say that if it was anything serious, it wouldn't normally come and go. You would know immediately if it was a matter of life and death. No matter how hard the GP's tried to convince me of this, the fears of some brain tumour or something else would still linger in my thoughts. STOP! Don't think that, it will make you worse. You are OK and you are not going to Die.
What you can do and I recommend this before you go to bed especially; is do some self massage around the shoulders, shoulder blades, and neck. This will relieve the tension. You can look on You-tube for these exercises or get a book from the Library. Also to relax the Mind, try drinking Green Tea or Camomile Tea and this will calm the brain cells down that make you stressed.
Do some breathing exercises; in through the nose and out through the mouth slowly 5 in and 7 out, just a few times to get the blood flowing naturally through the body again. Put your hand on your stomach as you do this and you will find it easier to do.
Extreme Heat or Coldness will also irritate these pains, so try not to sit directly under the Sun.
Sleep helps these to repair, but as we all know; sleep is easier said than done. If you can't sleep at night, try to lie down during the day and relax the body. Sleep is one of the cures for most illnesses.

I know I am making this sound all so easy, but I have suffered where I have screamed, cried, phoned 999, 111 and been to the Docs more times in the last few months than the whole of my life! Believe me, they will go away eventually. It's tension that has built up and it will take time to repair itself. Just try to stay calm, think to yourself that it's only stress causing this and you will be alright. Hope this helps you a bit.:hugs:

19-06-14, 01:10
Is there any Youtube exercises you found particularly helpful? This will probably seem silly but I always worry about doing neck massages on myself incase I do some damage. I was thinking of starting yoga to try and help, too. Have your headaches gotten any better?

19-06-14, 01:44
I personally used books from the Library for the massages.
I also did Yoga and just kept to the gentle exercises that help the breathing and indigestion.
I know what you mean about the neck. I was in a Car Crash and suffered whiplash, so I was very anxious about touching my neck. If I moved my head in any direction, I would hear a sound resembling 'Rice Krispies'; which I have heard before on this site. I was so paranoid, I thought my neck was going to snap if I moved it too suddenly.
The thing with massage is to do it slowly and not put too much pressure on. But, if you are worried about the neck, you can concentrate on the top of the shoulders which is a more robust area. I highly recommend a Massage, preferably by a Sports Therapist of Mind, Body, Spirit. I was lucky to find a brilliant one that deals with Athletes and that's the sort of Masseur you need to find.
My headaches and pain have improved immensely. There was a time I couldn't even bear the sound of the toilet being flushed or even someone talking loudly. I was in constant pain all day and all night. Now I just have an occasional pain and I can do so much more in my Life now.:)

---------- Post added at 01:44 ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 ----------

I also suffered the tingling/burning sensation on the top of the head and it felt hot at times. That's now gone away and I don't have to wear a hat anymore. :)

19-06-14, 01:51
Carnation, I'm so glad to hear of your improvement. You've given me so much hope about these pesky headaches! I'm sorry about the car crash, I hope your neck is better now. I've been having trouble with my neck for a while but the pain seems to have just come out of nowhere. I think my neck is whats causing my headaches. I'm constantly having to turn my whole body to look in different directions instead of just my neck because it is painful and I don't want to give myself extra neck/head pain. I get you about the sound of the toilet being flushed or people talking, my doctor keeps asking me if I have any sensitivity to light and I have none at all but I have found that I'm super sensitive to noises! Once again, glad you've improved so much and thank you for the reassurance and suggestions! :)

19-06-14, 02:01
I didn't have any sensitivity to light, just noises and unexpected noises. I think he was trying to find out whether they were migraines.
I also think that you may be making your head-aches worse by not moving your neck. I know you are scared, but if you try gradually each day to move it a little. I suggest giving Yoga a try.:)

19-06-14, 08:50
Hi both,

Sorry to hear you got problems too but Carnation I am glad you are feeling so much better.

That was me last night, wanting to call 999 or 111...
I managed to fall asleep finally. I woke up this morning and it is still here. Now I can feel the tightness around the front of my head and temples and forehead all the time and the pain squeezes in at times, it makes you stop thinking... it helps reading your posts. I try to tell myself the soreness to touch means it has to be tired tense muscles but it is better hearing it from someone else... And when the pain comes it's hard to believe anything.

19-06-14, 12:22
Hi Millie,

That's exactly what I use to have and it's there reminding you all the time! What did help me, was soaking a wet flannel in cold water. Ring it out so it is not dripping. Put over your forehead and leave it there for a few minutes. Luckily it is Summer otherwise it might be quite difficult to do in the Winter. I also use to pinch my eyebrows , which relieves pressure, but don't do this to much and make your eyebrows sore. Maybe once a day? And as always, do some breathing exercises. In through the nose and out through the mouth slowly. Count 5 in and 7 out. Just a few times throughout the day will help you calm down as well relieve tension.
Please believe me, it will go away eventually.:hugs:

23-06-14, 12:03
I just forget about it, and then it just comes back all of a sudden. Just like a sudden squeeze on my head. I need to start exercising seriously because i need to lose weight by end of august and dieting alone does not do anything for me but I am to scared in case there is something wrong with my head or if it makes it worse...