View Full Version : Finally over...? Here's hoping! :)

Mora Mora
18-06-14, 22:38
Hi all.

So I posted a couple of weeks ago after just having my first hypnotherapy session and today I just had my last (6 all together).
Honestly it is the best thing I have ever done. I feel incredible and like a completely different person, I feel totally in control and able to deal with anything that comes my way. A huge weight of negativity is gone.
After years of going through different counselling and nothing really working I thought I would have to deal with this forever... But not now! :)
If anyone is in Scotland and is interested, I can let you know who I went to see.
Hope everyone is well

18-06-14, 22:40
I would love hynopthepy for my depression and anxiety and Emetophobia. What does it involve

Mora Mora
18-06-14, 22:52
So it's not like the image everyone has of being put to sleep and someone looking in your head. You are out in a trance, the same kind of trance you might go into when walking or something, then the hypnotherapist speaks to your subconscious. The reason we have anxiety/ depression etc is because our brain is working in the left side where all our negative thoughts are and where the fight or flight response is always active.
Hypnotherapy brings the control back into the right side of the brain through positive suggestion and calming techniques giving you the tools to rationalise your thinking and giving you control to decide how you feel.

18-06-14, 22:55
Scotland! Can you tell me who you saw?

Mora Mora
18-06-14, 22:59
Sure! Its in Aberdeen and if you look up hypnotherapy aberdeen it should be the first one, Sam Luxford.
Hypnotherapy also works by getting you into a good sleeping pattern where you are able to do REM sleep at night so your anxieties from the day get sorted :)

18-06-14, 23:26
Perfect! Will definitely look into it :)

19-06-14, 11:17
Glad to hear youre doing much better Mora Mora.

I did hypnotherapy once but didnt get anything from it. I think im just one of those people who`s just too self aware though.

"youre getting sleepy"
no im not :|

"Youre sinking into your seat"
no im not :|

"You feel more confident"
no i dont :|


It clearly works for some people. Thats great news

Mora Mora
19-06-14, 14:56
Yeah it's not for everyone unfortunately but if I can let as many people know as possible they could give it a go :)
I still can't quite believe it worked! Haha

19-06-14, 16:44
Ach it's really expensive.. For a student like me anyway! Are you tied to a certain amount of sessions or anything? Could probably afford maybe two at a push depending on how likely it was to help me!

Mora Mora
20-06-14, 20:44
Yeah I struggled with the thought of the cost at first but in the end my anxiety was just too bad not to do something. She usually recommends a certain number of sessions based on the info you give her, but I'm sure you could email and ask :) she's really lovely.

20-06-14, 21:26
I've contacted her, so waiting on no reply! :) like you my anxiety is also becoming beyond a joke! Want to be freeeeeeeeee!!

Mora Mora
23-06-14, 10:24
Excellent! :) keep us updated! X