View Full Version : Reassurance needed - shooting pain thumb

19-06-14, 06:11
I've been doing ok the past few days but last night suddenly develoed a pain in my thumb which was quite sharp. Only lasted a few minutes. I also had similar up the back of my head but the opposite side. My sensible head is saying it's just a normal pain but my HA demon is telling me it's something sinister like MND/ALS. This couples by the hand cramp I got in the weekend is making me feel v anxious.
Any reassurance wills be greatly appreciated so I can nip this latest obsession in the bud.

H Xx

19-06-14, 23:09
Humans are just not that clever I am afraid. We cannot feel one twinge and deduce what is causing it. You need several clear and persistent symptoms (not just everyday aches and pains) before a trained doctor would begin to guess what might be wrong with you.

You're doing the equivalent of someone saying, "my car stalled today, and I'm convinced the third cylinder is a little worn on the left side so I must get it booked in the garage quick because it's likely to explode any second."

In normal life we have to go days and days with odd pains that we never find out the cause of. Contrary to what the media suggest, you aren't going to spot that super-rare disease early by paying attention to something that billions of people notice and then ignore on a daily basis.

20-06-14, 16:10
You're right and that's what I keep trying to tell myself. It's sometimes nice though to hear that somebody is in the same boat. Funnily enough when I'm busy or around people I never seem to get these "symptoms" . It's only when I'm alone and obsessing over my latest illness.