View Full Version : Gluten free update, please read it may help you.

19-06-14, 06:13
Hi all. Thought I’d give you an update. As you all know, I’ve been going gluten free for 3 years now and 98% of the time I’m really fit and well, no panic and no anxiety. But I’d like to tell you of a recent experience I had.

It all started following a pub meal I had around about March. I am usually very careful what I eat and usually don’t have a dessert, but on this occasion I opted for a plain ice-cream with some chocolate sauce. Very tasty and it didn’t seem to affect me. So I decided to buy some ice-cream.
I ended up eating far too much, but, as it wasn’t affecting me I can enjoy it, or so I thought.

I noticed I had some very small pimples appear on my ring finger on my left hand that were extremely itchy. I’ve had this before and it always affects my left hand. It gets right between my fingers. I thought it had happened as I’d had my car cleaned and the air-freshener had given me an allergic reaction which was making me wheezy.

So I kept eating this ice-cream, but my finger wasn’t getting any better, until I stopped eating it last Monday. It’s been 4 days now, and although my hand is still a mess, the itching is calming down and I feel it’s starting to heal.

Of course, I now realise the problem is Lactose. When first diagnosed, because gluten has destroyed the villi in your gut, you cannot digest lactose, but once gluten free this usually returns to normal, but in some cases it never does. Obviously it has got better in me, but not as good as it should be, then again, most people wouldn’t eat ice-cream to the extent I was. I will go back to eating ice-cream again, but only when I go out for a meal, which isn’t too often, as the lactose won’t build up in my system. I can tolerate some, but not a lot of lactose.

Once again, “You are what you eat!” and I keep proving it time and again.

One important thing I have to tell you which should give you all some hope. For some reason a few days ago I started to panic, I got myself out of breath. This was the first panic attack I’ve had in over 2 years, so I understand I’m still prone to them, BUT, it never got as bad as the ones I’d had previously. I attribute this directly to the removal of Gluten from my diet.

So, if gluten is causing your problems, you can get better.

Hope this gives you all some hope.

Please feel free to contact me.

19-06-14, 07:21
Very interesting, I think I will look into this. Thanks

19-06-14, 07:31
Just related to lactose, my friend didn't eat dairy for a few months for lent, and then as she had become vegan in that time and was eating a much simpler diet, she had become lactose intolerant due to her system not being used to the dairy again. But another interesting point, despite being lactose intolerant, due to her work she didn't have any other choice but to eat dairy products, and she overcame the intolerance. Don't quite understand how that happened but think it's interesting!

19-06-14, 08:54
I think it's great that going gluten-free has made such a difference to your anxiety but it certainly won't be the answer for everyone. 20 years ago going gluten-free was meant to cure autism according to one "expert" so loads of affected families built their hopes up to no avail..

My Dad is a diagnosed coeliac and going gluten-free was the only option. I think it can be misleading to point the finger at gluten when it comes to managing anxiety but for some people it could help along with a combination of other factors?

19-06-14, 09:00
I'm not sure you made the right connection here shakey, it might just have been a coincidence. Lactose intolerance causes digestive problems because of the inability to digest it, but it wouldn't cause an itchy rash. However, a milk allergy will cause an immune response such as rashes and hives. It's important to know the difference between the two, because if you have an actual allergy then you need to be very careful about consuming any milk products.

I would also point out that villi damage, and the resulting lactose intolerance that comes from it, only occurs in actual coeliac disease, but not in gluten intolerance. Again, it's important to know the difference between the two as coeliac is a serious autoimmune disease that will result in health problems if a gluten free diet is not adhered to. But a gluten or wheat intolerance won't have the same lasting effects or damage to the villi as coeliac disease, and generally people on this end of the spectrum can enjoy some gluten in their diet without worry.

There's a lot of misinformation out there about gluten intolerance and coeliac disease. I'd advise anyone to talk to their doctor before self diagnosing as coeliac.

And anyone suffering with anxiety, yes trying a gluten free diet can't hurt but it also important to approach anxiety from the more traditional routes such as CBT. This is because many of our anxiety issues come from the way that we think and perceive the world, as well as improper stress management and not taking care of ourselves. CBT might help you iron out the last of the panic issues you're struggling with Shakey, the gluten free diet may have helped you feel good physically and so have had a beneficial effect on your anxiety levels, but it's irrational and unhealthy thought processes that lead to panic attacks and that's treatable too :)

19-06-14, 20:14
I'm glad that going gluten -free has helped you in some way. I am coeliac the last 16 years and rigidly stick to my diet because I get very ill if I don't. The thing is I have suffered terrible anxiety and panic in the last 5 years despite my diet so personally it hasn't worked for me. But maybe if you are not actually coeliac and just gluten intolerant then maybe that is why it has helped you.

all the best

19-06-14, 20:55
I'm into week three of a gluten free diet to see if my fibromyalgia improves. I felt dreadful for 2 weeks then noticed a massive improvement in my symptoms. It also coincides with the weather, I feel really bad when we have low pressure and improve when it's high so it's a waiting game for me to see if it's the diet or better weather making me feel a lot better! One nice side effect is losing a couple of pounds too.

05-08-14, 21:32
Been Gluten free for 1 week now and already noticed that my constant stomach cramp on my right side has gone and my legs have stopped aching ,also my tender ankle is less painful to touch but anxiety is getting worse .It may be because im thinking a lot about my health this week or withdrawal symptoms of wheat products.will keep it up and see what happens

06-08-14, 07:07
So nice to see my thread resurface.

I'm so glad some of your symptoms are getting better, but not the anxiety. I have read somewhere that this can happen, but keep on with the gluten free diet. At least you're getting relief from some of your symptoms.

I hope your anxiety will subside too.

It good to know that my idea is working for you. I hope others will try it too.

Keep updating us please.