View Full Version : Help how do I get doctor to take me seriously & it's not HA

19-06-14, 08:20
I have really really intense back ache doesn't even go when I lay down, it's super painful hot water bottle doesn't help nor does paracetamol. I also have abdominal pain I saw her a couple days ago ignored the back pain sent me hospital to see if appendicits, surgeon said he doesn't think so but now my back pain is more intense she doesn't really listen about it but I did stupidly google it and ovarian bowl & spinal cancer all came up. Now i am worrying but it feels like labour pains I would really like it to be taken seriously :( not just dismissed HA

---------- Post added at 08:20 ---------- Previous post was at 06:45 ----------

I also now have a neck ache

19-06-14, 08:58
Go back to the doctor and see another one if you can. She didn't dismiss you entirely - she sent you to check out the worst possible urgent scenario. You're all clear for appendicitis! That's great :)

It's likely to not be cancer if it's come on suddenly. I had a friend that had cancer in her back. She had dull aches for months and months - it wasn't intense until the end, and it was coupled with other symptoms too. I have dull aches in my back occasionally but I know it's from not exercising enough. It's so so so unlikely to be cancer darling.

Co-codamol is better for pain than paracetamol, but get thee to a doctor again. Don't accept being dismissed.

19-06-14, 10:02
I hope this will give you some reassurance. But do get a second opinion from a doctor.
Some years back I developed what felt like toothache in my back! I visited a chiropractor and physiotherapist. Because the pain didn't disappear quickly enough for me and because I suffer from health anxiety , I began to imagine other reasons for the pain (ie cancer). The more I worried the worse the pain got. It only disappeared when I calmed down and accepted it for what it was - a pulled muscle that wouldn't relax while I continued to stress about it causing my whole body to tense.

Similarly I had stomach problems most of my life due to anxiety which I'm told is labelled as IBS. It would flare up whenever I became anxious. And then because I was anxious about it, it would increase! A few years back I had it for 8 months! That terrible cycle of pain and anxiety just ballooned into google research, elimination diets, huge weight loss and stress on my marriage. As soon as I accepted what I was doing to myself the pain disappeared never to return.

19-06-14, 17:57
Thank you both soo much for your replies, I wish I saw
Them before I went back to the doctors I made sure I saw the partner at the doctors and the most senior member of staff, he listen didn't mention HA but checked everything. He have me
Stronger pain killers. He said not sure where the pain is from but from
Some where else in my body. I then worried as he said in the next couple days we will either know where the pain is from or it will die down. I then worried loads! Thinking it's the worst had my cbt session managed calm down but got
The doctor to call me
Stupidly ! He said I've probably pulled a muscle or something but I obviously think it's something else. I swear most of it is HA but then I take anti depressants should that not stop it?? I'm glad u both replied I needed it x

19-06-14, 18:55
I once had such horrendous back pain that I thought I damaged the tissue between my vertebrae or a muscle in my back. I took paracetamol and ibuprofen regularly along with using my TENS machine and hot water bottle, all of which did nothing. When I was taken away from a stressful work environment it went within a few days. It was like somebody had switched off the pain, that's how suddenly it went! It shocked me how much I was tensing for my back to hurt so much.

Anxiety does cause physical symptoms that are painful, but because they are so painful it feels like something physical is causing it. Try practising some relaxation techniques and recognise when you are tensing.