View Full Version : Would doctors organise scans etc if there was need to worry?

19-06-14, 07:29
So, I have been suffering ha for a few weeks now - terrified I have bowel cancer as I had stomach pains from uti which has cleared but I'm convinced I can feel something in my right hand side near my belly button - maybe a blockage??
I have seen three doctors and had two full blood tests done which all came back clear and none of the doctors seem worried.
The pain in my tummy is still there on and off but would they have sent me for more tests if they were worried or should I see my gp again?
I've not been diagnosed with ibs but have some matching symptoms so think it could be this brought on by stress :/!

Catherine S
19-06-14, 11:19
Blood tests are always the first thing docs do to see what might be going on as it can show up any infection that might be present in your system as can urine samples. It can also show things like high cholesterol and high liver counts etc. Your bloods came back fine. I was sent for a scan on my gall bladder when my doctor thought I might have gallstones...which I didn't have thankfully but even though I had no pain, and ive been told gallstones pain is like giving birth, he wanted to see if there was a reason why my cholesterol was higher than normal so yes, if they think you need further investigation they would usually refer you on. Its only been a few weeks for you though, but if the pain continues then go back and ask about it again.

19-06-14, 11:27
Thanks for your reply :) - my mum suffers with colitis and my gran had bowel cancer which mum nursed her through and she reckons I'm okay so I fingers crossed it's stress and worry causing some constipation or ibs.
I trying to convince myself to give it a few more weeks before my next visit to the doc and try to get a handle on my anxiety to see if it helps.

Glad you didn't have Gall stones :) xxx

Catherine S
19-06-14, 13:23
Haha me too with the gallstones :) x Its always a problem when you have family members who have certain illnesses, its so easy to latch on to the idea that you have something sinister too. In my family it was heart issues and from my 20s I developed a phobia about this too...which has been a waste of alot of years now that i'm old (60) and still here!

19-06-14, 13:48
I do feel like I'm wasting my time worrying - I've just moved to london, got a new job and should be loving it but I just want to sit and google and worry - rubbish eh??
I spoke to my mum who told me 'if it's not bleeding don't worry - believe me I know' this helped so I guess I'll try and relax and wait a few weeks before seeing the doc again.
Have you managed to get your anxiety under control?


Catherine S
19-06-14, 14:35
I would love to tell you I have it all under control but it wouldn't be true. What i have done is accept that anxiety is part of life...for everybody not just us on here, its how we react to it that counts. My fears and phobias are part of who I am and ive learned to feel differently about them as time has gone on. If I get too anxious then I know more adrenalin will be produced and that will make my heart go crazy etc, but that's ok...my system is reacting the way it should and I know it will pass if I have a word with myself :D
I kind of think along the lines of my body is just looking out for me, protecting me rather than it causing me trouble if you get me. Ive made friends with my anxiety. Maybe that comes with time though because I well remember how awful I felt in my 20s and 30s with it and took tranquilisers for it at that time, so accepting isn't easy I know.