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View Full Version : Ill, home alone and panicking

19-06-14, 09:19
Hi all. I'm in need of some reassurance and company.
I have health anxiety.
Being ill brings on panic attacks.

At the moment I'm living alone as my husband is working overseas. I have bronchitis and have been given strong antibiotics and other meds. I have a phobia about taking any meds (even vitamins are a problem!).

I'm taking the meds because I'm also scared I won't get better. They are having side effects -some real and some imagined.

I'm also feeling pretty awful due to the bronchitis and of course imagining all sorts of other possibilities ......

Being alone just makes it ten times worse.

Any suggestions as to how I can calm myself down?

Thank you.

19-06-14, 18:53
:hugs:Hi, Becks888! Anxiety can really do a number on us, especially when we are ill AND alone. Is there anyone you can phone and talk to or are there any neighbors nearby that you could reach out to? One thing that brings me so much comfort is knowing that I am never truly alone because God is always with me. I can't see Him, but I know He is there. I also believe that He puts people in our paths to help us through our most difficult seasons and we, in turn, can help others when we are feeling better. Try to read or take a walk or something to distract you. You will get better, but it might take a little while. Blessings to you!

20-06-14, 16:43
Thank you for such a genuine and caring reply. You know, I waited all day to get a reply, hoping that there would be someone I could chat with to take my mind off my illness and panic. Eventually I started reading other people's posts and answering them, trying to bring them a little comfort and guess what? That really helped!

It occurred to me that most people are so wrapped up in their own problems they don't have any space in their minds to try and help others and yet that's what really helps; switching off from ones own anxiety-related worries and concentrating on helping someone else.

Yes I do believe that God is here and I'm never really alone but hey, I'm only human, I need someone here to give me a hug when I feel ill and filled with panic.

Thank you again for your kind words.

20-06-14, 17:22
:hugs:you're welcome, Becky! I totally understand about needing that physical hug and needing to see a person when I am really anxious and panicky. Other people help us to keep our mind from imagining the worst. I also know what you mean about encouraging others on here. It is so therapeutic for me as well. Keep me posted on how you are doing. Remember that better days are coming and until they do remember that you are not forgotten!