View Full Version : Best meds for GAD?

Mrs Anxious
19-06-14, 12:26
Hi all, haven't been on for a while, I guess I thought I had it all under control and just started to live with GAD and panic however, I'm not coping very well and I've been on prozac now for 8 weeks and not feeling any better.... I am utterly exhausted to the point that it's affecting my day to day life, I work full time and just find it so hard to get up in the morning, the second thing is I am sweating ALOT now in this weather it's not ideal, never suffered with this before, I also feel detached and just generally agitated like I'm gonna have a panic attack at any minute, I am dreaming a lot of weird stuff too.

What meds are you all on if any? I want to go back to docs because I don't feel prozac is working, or maybe I should give it longer than 8 weeks? I have tried citalopram for 18 months and if I ever forgot a tablet the come down was horrendous as was withdrawing so don't want to go there again, any tips on meds that help with GAD and panic and just generally help you to feel normal again I would be grateful to hear bat, thanks guys xxxx

19-06-14, 13:05
Pregabalin worked wonders for my anxiety. Starting off on it sucks but it's stepped down my day to day anxiety significantly.

Mrs Anxious
19-06-14, 13:23
Pregabalin worked wonders for my anxiety. Starting off on it sucks but it's stepped down my day to day anxiety significantly.

Is pregablin an anti depressant?

19-06-14, 23:30
Bananas, natures anti - depressant