View Full Version : help needed for book for abused children

14-12-06, 00:07
I am putting this on here as I know that quite a few people who suffer from panic attacks and similar problems have also gone through some form of abuse and it is from these people that I am reaching out to now. I will now copy paste something from a press release that I wrote a short while ago which will explain things in more detail.

Apart from my name everything else you are about to read is true, I use a false name only to protect the privacy of my family.
My name is “Laura” and I am the single mother of a daughter who is now almost 17, who I shall call “Jenny” when Jenny was younger she was quite a handful always on the go and sometimes difficult to control but I thought she would grow out of this when she started school.
She started school thankfully when she was just 5, as a very bright child she was already quite ahead of a lot of the children in her class, we made friends with a family nearby her school who had a boy around 2 and an older boy about 12, things seemed to be ok at first but within a week or 2 “Jenny” became very hard to handle both in and out of school, she became very reluctant to go upstairs in our house even for the toilet or bed, she became quite violent at times and reluctant to play out, though she refused to explain what was wrong this went on for quite sometime and eventually the headmistress managed to succeed in getting information from Jenny that neither the police , dr, the local vicar or myself had been able to get, the husband of the family we had made friends with had been abusing her!!.
How we both got through the next few months I will never know, I had nobody to turn to as its not the sort of thing you want to share with a next door neighbour and I didn’t really know many people as we had not long moved there, there were quite a few problems during the following year that it took to get to court, some of which I intend to try and put to the government to change, I have no family so I had to manage on my own with the examinations, the interviews, the court everything it’s a nightmare I wouldn’t wish on anyone, how I survived without having a breakdown I really dont know, it would have been a hard enough thing to go though under normal circumstances, but as I had already been abused from the age of 3 by 4 different people it was 10 times worse, the feelings of "I of all people should have seen the signs "etc and the guilty blaming thoughts were all magified 100 fold.
Eventually the “person” got 3months!!!!! My daughter and I got life.
When the court case ( if you can call it that) was over I tried to get her some form of counselling but was told that there was at least a year and half waiting list, when she did get to go for the counselling it was only to be one hour a week in a rather dismal building called “child and family guidance, unfortunately over the following 6months she had her counsellor changed about 8 times as they either became professional and got their own surgery’s or they moved to a different department etc, so I decided that this kind of disruption wasn’t really helping my daughter and therfor decided to stop this councelling.
After discovering how difficult it was to get any real help and advice either for my daughter or myself, I made the decision to set up a permanent based counselling house for abused children and their families to come and stay at for a period of time and receive counselling, advice, guidance and support to be able to get their lives back together.I have been rather ill since then so this project hasn’t got as advanced as I would have wanted but I am back on track now and more determined than ever to get things moving.
I have been in various papers talking about what I aim to do, I even did an interview on a radio station in Northampton (where I was living at the time) talking about my idea and whether people thought that it was needed, during the time of my interview nobody rang in to talk to me or discuss whether they thought it was a good idea, the d.j. thought that this meant that people weren’t interested and ev

15-12-06, 00:03
just thought I would bump this, I see a few people have looked at this thread but as yet Ive only had one email, its not that Im trying to rush anyone but the sooner I can get this book together the sooner I can get some money to get camp never never nearer to being running.

15-12-06, 15:18
i was abused as a child and run a support group for adult survivors

becoming a charity is hard work but worth it to help others

i hope you manage it have you applied for funding because you may be able to get some from comic relief or children in need and even the princes trust


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

15-12-06, 17:45
hi netty I havent applied yet as I was told you have to be charity status before you can apply for funds from the like of trusts that you mention, and to get charity status you have to have at least a minimal board of governers and because of the nature of the organisation then I have to be even more careful and catious and hense things take longer.

04-01-07, 02:12
just thought I would update this thread I havent been online for a while as I have had a really lousy christmas but I wont depress you all by writing about it, Im just trying to concentrate on getting camp never never up and running,

07-01-07, 02:21
hi all just thought I would bump this thread as I have now got one possibly two publishers interested in helping to get this book together, Ive got some stuff to put in it but I do need quite a bit more yet.

08-01-07, 03:38
Spock1 good luck on the idea that you have and I am sorry to hear what happened to your daughter and then you before it.

A slight sideways thought if I may: The fact that it happened and you as you said 'missed the signs' could indicate that there are still some issues you might need to work through for youself from your own past.

It could perhaps be useful for you to liase with a therapist in or around your area, especially since if there are any 'ghosts' to lay to rest, once your great idea is up and running they will all be waking up again. Dealing with them now could be very effective and may impact positively upon how you deliver the goods in the new home.

Just a thought



10-01-07, 01:28
brian thanks for your post and your suggestion, but since the events of my daughter I now realise that I didnt really miss the signs as such, the behaviour my daughter was displaying could have easily been because of starting school there were no distinct signs that it was linked to anything sexual. as for me getting therapy I tried it once and didnt get anything out of it I couldnt get anything from the experience, so getting camp never never up and running will be my therapy. I just need to get this book going first. I thought I might have had a stronger response than I have, Ive said that they can be emailed anonn. I wont email you back unless you want me to, I dont know what else to say to ask for this material other than I swear it is for a very good cause.

10-01-07, 07:27
Hi spock1,

I am sorry to hear about your daughter's and your own abuse! I wish I could help you with your project but i don't have either the experience of sexual abuse or the talent to write poems. I do know abuse however but the one that is verbal and emotional blackmailing...etc.
I would like to wish you best of luck with your charity. How about setting up a paypal account and receiving a £1.00 donation from whoever is willing to donate, its definitely something that I'd be happy to do for you :)
Once again GOOD LUCK!!!!!
Love xxx

12-01-07, 02:11
thanks for your idea petita I'll certainly give that some thought meanwhile any material for the book is welcome or even any other money raising ideas, the first thing I want to spend some some money on is a website to explain what Im doing, how things are going etc

14-01-07, 00:41
Go get em girl. You sound like you are learning what to do and the knowledge to get this quest done. Don't let anything or anyone change your mind. I'm not that kind of writer but why don't you try writing your own story, in book form and self publish? Who knows maybe that will be the tail that wags the dog.

Best of luck to you. And keep fighting for the cause. Pass it on.

Rose /

Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend

17-01-07, 19:30
thanks for that encouragement rmlamatt I certainly wont be giving up, it gives me something positive to concentrate on. Im having a bit of a problem at the moment as my daaughter has stopped me from having access to my grandson who is in care due to her immaturityand lack of hygiene. I was also daft enough to sit and watch the chat on the this morning programme today about the symptoms of a heart attack and how you dont always have the chest pain signals, and sometimes the only sign is feeling very dizzy and faint!!!! that and trouble with daughter has triggered off a few major panic attacks :-((((