View Full Version : New member saying HELLO

19-06-14, 21:12
Just signed up!
I am based on South Coast, UK.
I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression.
I am finding myself alienating from as much of life as is possible (with two children).
I have little support around me and feel soo alone at times, hence my trying this.
Sure hope I may find the chat room easier as I just don't know what or where to start with this.
Would like to be all upbeat, funny haha in my post but sadly that part of me has got up and gone and at present I wouldn't even be able to catch it running!!
Oh geee..now what do I say???


ok...best stop there. Fear of being banned for pure boredom before I have really started.

Do I really have to put my name to this???
K. :doh:

19-06-14, 21:29
Hello and welcome I'm sure you will find plenty of support on here as I know I have... Just write what and how you feel whether it's happy sad exciting or boring.... This site is here to get things off your chest and talk to like minded people xx:D

19-06-14, 21:37
Thank you for your reply Jefferina, very kind. Feeling very alone so this is good to be here and found the site. :hugs:

19-06-14, 21:48
:welcome: to nmp hope this site help u xxxxxxx

19-06-14, 21:56
Thank you spuder. It would be nice to feel I can fit even if just a little 'somewhere' in the world :unsure: