View Full Version : Please help... Advice needed

19-06-14, 21:24
Okay so I'm writing on here as I need help ASAP ,
My CBT therapist as made me promise to stop googling for a week as it's just a safety behaviour I'm at a very anxious time and I am fighting the urge to google with all I can!! I had belly pains they put
Down to ibs for week , then back ache and belly ache they fort maybe appendicitis saw a surgeon he said no, I then went back to se
My doctor who gave me
Pain killers and said time is what we need to see where pain is coming from
But it will either disappear or
Maybe I pulled a muscle I now got nunny pain (sorry tmi) and I'm really scared
It's ovarian cancer I literally am breathing fast can't see
Straight in pain,
I take antidepressants and they usually work well not now! Please help me I need some reassurance I just can't
Google and I'm
Soo tempted but
Don't want to give up not googling!!!

19-06-14, 21:28
Take a deep breath honey ... Will googling make you feel better or scare you to death??
Don't do it, wait a week and see how your symptoms are and then go back to the gp with them all written down to clearly explain what you think is wrong!
Googling won't prove or disprove anything!
Get away from the computer, make a cuppa, run a bath and chill with a book and you'll feel a million times better!! :hugs:

19-06-14, 21:46
I feel like calling out of hours doctor ,googling & running to my doctor tomorrow I think it will give me reassurance that I don't have it. I know I'm being silly just so scared! I'm so upset with my self for 4 weeks I have been HA free and I felt like my normal self enjoying life and my family then bit of pain and I'm back to square 1. I'm so disappointed with my self. Thanks Hun I tried calling my mum, I'll make a cuppa xx

20-06-14, 09:17
How are you this morning? Did your mum help?
If it makes you feel any better I have literally worried myself sick, caught a stomach bug and had to take another day off work!!
My brother suffered terribly with HA a few years back but has been fine for years - I've asked for some tips so will share with you when he he's back to me!!
Big hugs xxx

20-06-14, 17:07
Hi I'm okay, managed not to give in but woke up at 2am trying to
Google with no one to distract me nearly gave in pressed search but stopped my self! I feel horrible today worried sick. I need to try understand if the doctors had any doubt even a tiny amount they would get it checked but I can't seem to be able to understand that! I even want to have tests done privately! thinking how long it's gone on for and stuff ! That's brill if you could Hun, how is he now? How are u feeling now?

20-06-14, 18:21
I spoke to my brother .. His advice was simple: never ever google anything, it will just make you paranoid! You need to find something to take your mind off it.
Don't dwell on it and it will go away eventually.

I'm glad you managed to stop yourself pressing search!
I'm not so good, I think I have caught a bug from work so I obviously feel like I'll never get out of bed again and I'm dying! Went back to the docs who wants another blood test, stool sample and urine sample and is ordering a scan - pretty sure they're just to put my mind at rest but what if they find something??? Eek!

How you doing today? Xx

20-06-14, 18:47

I have been ill all week with some sort of bug, and my anxiety has been through the roof. Have felt like im dying pretty much all week, fuzzy head, chest pain, the runs, feeling sick and just generally feeling anxious. Hope your feeling better soon :)

20-06-14, 19:15
Hope you're feeling better Sammylou!
I'm trying to convince myself it's okay but been really hung up on bowel cancer ATM and these scans and stool tests have started to freak me out!
I'm just telling myself it's better to be safe than sorry! Xxx

20-06-14, 20:36
Fj2014 I know the feeling of feeling like you won't get better and your dying but it is just a bug and this time next week I bet your feeling better. Easier to say to other people then take the advice lol how old are u? It's defiantly reassurance! What scan are they sending you for? Xz

20-06-14, 21:51
I hope so!! I'm 24 and they're sending me for a ultrasound to try and find out the source of my tummy pains.. Don't reckon it will be for a while though!! Xxx

20-06-14, 22:35
It's very very rare in someone your age! Even thou I'm 24 too and think I have bowl,bone ovarian and cervical cancer :(

21-06-14, 20:01
Fingers crossed! I'm feeling a lot better and less painful today after my boyfriend forced me up and out! Whereabouts are you from?? How are you doing? Xxx