View Full Version : New here.

19-06-14, 21:40
Hi i am jeni i am from Liverpool.. when i was about 18-19 i had my first panic attack.. i have epilepsy and at first i thought it was a fit coming on.. it stayed the same for about 8 weeks couldn't take a step out the door.. had to rely on my partner and family to do things on the outside for me.. after a while they started to ease off to it only happening every now and then.. still was nervous leaving the house every day but had to get on with it because i couldn't stay in forever.. i got pregnant at 21 and i don't recall having any panic attacks or anxiety symptoms.. after baby was born it all started again only here and there.. i had been on beata blockers but they never worked for me then stopped taking them.. i have been to see someone but stupid me only went twice and didn't bother phoning back because i fort i was starting to get better.. now my son has started nursery i have to take him everyday and some days i feel fine..my legs feel weak i always feel like i am going to fall to the floor.. some days i actually consider sitting on the floor in the middle of the street until it passes but that would make it worse with everyone looking at me.. every time someone asks if am ok constantly it makes it worse. for the past 3 days i have been panicking.. had attacks, shaking from head to toe.. i am currently getting back in touch with the woman i was seeing and it starting on monday.. i just cant go on like this no more and its not fare on my 2 yr old son who loves the outside.. my partner has just told me about this site so thought i would post a new thread and introduce myself.. if anyone can give me tips on how to get through them especially when other people r around thats would be most helpful.. thank you for reading xx

19-06-14, 22:53
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

21-06-14, 08:31
Hi Jeni, I'm new here too. Hopefully you'll find the help you're seeking on here x