View Full Version : 3 more biopsies moles came back benign

20-06-14, 00:48
Yay. I have hundreds of moles and many of them look a tad peculiar. I get about four a year removed. This year one came back mildly abnormal, but the other thee were completely benign - even the one with a pale center, black dot on the edge and charge brown rim. The derm was worried it was melanoma with regression (where your body starts to fight the melanoma and the mole starts to disappear) but it totally wasn't. As the assistant hung up she said "have a nice day", and I replied "well I will now, thank you". I can't even tell you how much this has been playing on my mind!

20-06-14, 07:27
Great news! :yahoo:

20-06-14, 18:55
Fantastic news!! :D

20-06-14, 21:38

22-06-14, 00:35
Glad to hear it. Clear biopsies might just be the thing you needed to get out of the worry and reassurance seeking spiral that you were in with your moles. Now it's time you go at the source, which is...health anxiety.

22-06-14, 00:47
I've been working on the anxiety - problem I have is that hubby works away from home and I have no one to look after the kids so getting to a therapist is hard. I tried and had to stop. I'm working on some CBT for HA I found online, but it's hard to stick to!

22-06-14, 00:54
CBT is a start. What also helps insanely is exercise - doesn't have to be something intense, even walking helps. Getting a hobby that occupies you, setting up a normal steady consistent sleep schedule, trying to stick to a balanced diet..., stuff like that. There's lots of things that help, and there is no quick solution.

22-09-14, 19:12
Great news! :)

22-09-14, 20:13
Wonderful news