View Full Version : Worried about botulism

20-06-14, 05:08
I wanted to make a pizza, so I took out two frozen crusts along with the tomato sauces that came along with it that were also frozen. I started to get worried when I noticed that the pizza sauce packets were frozen but that there were bubbles inside. The packets came sealed. My mom said it was fine, but I was worried and looked up botulism in frozen foods. After reading, I decided that I should put the tomato sauce in the fridge to thaw. I was dumb enough not to put the pizza crusts in the fridge to thaw, and now they are thawed and I'm worried that they are contaminated with botulism as they thawed at room temperature. In fact, the crusts came in a package with several other ones and they were not individually packaged, so they were already exposed to the air and probably my hands. I'm scared to touch them now because I'm worried that there is botulism in them now. Please help, I'm really scared!

20-06-14, 19:37
Please, anyone?

20-06-14, 20:38
You DO NOT have botulism!


I presume the food was not frozen, defrosted, and then re-frozen?
If not, I think you fine!!

20-06-14, 21:34
I don't know if it was frozen and defrosted and then frozen again, about 3 weeks ago I took out the package and took the first two out, and I guess I put the others back before too much defrosting could occur, but I'm not sure