View Full Version : Vivid dreams sleepless nights

20-06-14, 08:28
Anyone else have vivid dreams through the night,my dreams are the same as my intrusive thoughts,it's like being in a movie so real

---------- Post added at 08:28 ---------- Previous post was at 06:55 ----------

I'd like to add,that prob only having 3hrs sleep in total,but never really feel side affects of it

20-06-14, 08:38
I quite often have vivid dreams and yes mostly when I have little sleep or when I am not physically well.

20-06-14, 08:40
Hi Annie,do you have ocd??

20-06-14, 08:57
No I don't. I have general anxiety disorder.

20-06-14, 08:58
I've got ocd and gad it's hard work sometimes hey,are you in the dreams at all ??

20-06-14, 09:06
Yes I would say I am in all of my dreams. I sometimes shout out or scream and wake my poor husband

20-06-14, 09:08
Awwwww poor hubby,I'm terrible for waking people up,I sleep eat lol carnt rembeber doing it empty the cupboards

20-06-14, 09:08
There are quite a few other threads about dreams if you want to read them just use the search button.

20-06-14, 09:11
I will have a look at them,I have intrusive thoughts 80% of the day,and then in dream about the same thing at night

21-06-14, 15:26
Had my first night terrors last night. Here's hoping it doesn't become a regular thing because it scared the bejesus out of me.


21-06-14, 19:40
I have severe panic disorder, and let me tell you, yes. Night terrors are normal!
they are scary, and the screaming in your sleep and you can't wake up is called Sleep paralysis. Its perfectly normal with anxeity. And no, sleep paralysis cannot hurt you in any way.
I take a 2 and 1/2 mg valium tablet before bed and it knocks me out, with no dreams. :)

22-06-14, 02:50
Hi there :), I usually have vivid dreams too. They feel so real and are mostly the same as my intrusive thoughts in the day. I wake up and feel like I've been through a panic attack in my dreams. I suffer from ocd and gad too.