View Full Version : So stressed

20-06-14, 09:56
I am glad this week is over my parents return Tommorow from their hols. I've had no help from hubby I have had to do the cooking cleaning getting my daughter up for school I've had 2 panic attacks. I move to shrewsbury in 5 weeks time and I am dreading it cause I know I won't get any help hubby just shouts at me when I ask for help I've been work and u haven't. It's not a hard job he does sells train tickets. I deserve a medal this week I've got sinusitis and still done everything while he just falls sleep or watches TV I just hope he don't do this when we r back living together again.

20-06-14, 10:44
Have you tried having a serious conversation with him? Try explaining to him how you've had it that week and listen to what he has to say about his week too.

20-06-14, 11:14
I've tried all he says is that he works 40 hours a week and that I've gotta get used to it in Shrewsbury as I don't work and he does. He is so obnoxious and pig headed

20-06-14, 12:39
When your support network isnt helping it is soley down to you to try and get on top of your anxiety. Give yourself credit for the steps you are making and reinforce the positive steps. You wake everyday and look through your eyes, this is your life and your situation. "Dreading" anything wont help, accept it, we are creatures of habit and are very resilient at making the best out of situations and acclimatising to new situations.

Believe in yourself, you ARE strong, I wish you well

20-06-14, 14:14
Sorry to hear your going through a tough time spuder.
My mums partner behaves similar to your husband. Sorry to hear your not getting support from your husband but you're much stronger than you think, you do deserve a medal. You're coping with a lot and still managing to get by day by day :)

It's totally understandable your anxious about the move to shrewsbury, it will lower over time after you've settled in. It's a nice place. I've been to shrewsbury a couple of times.

20-06-14, 14:24
Thanks Ryan and cons I just want to get rid of the anxiety and depression. And I just want my husband to be supportive

20-06-14, 14:24
Spuder, Need to have a serious talk. I agree with Rennie..
My daughter visits Shrewsbury as she lives not far from there. I believe it is a lovely place. Try downing tools spuder, put yourself and your daughter first , you deserve a break. xxx:hugs::hugs::hugs:

20-06-14, 16:26
Thanks magic