View Full Version : Husband has POCD and General Anxiety.. any advice?

20-06-14, 10:49
Hi i'm new and have come here to try get any advice from people with the same issues who are going through any form of therapy that's helping them deal with similar issues. And also if there are any partners of anxiety sufferers who can offer an advice on how to cope yourself?

My husband has also been a worrier about money, health anything to do with change etc. but the problem that is facing us now is to do with the fear of being a peado.
It started when he held a newborn baby and was nervous because of not having much experience with children or babies so it was literally just nerves about how to hold this tiny little baby - a fairly normal bloke thing to feel, but he felt a "twitch" and that has now sent him into this obsessive anxiety that it means something and the fear is taking over. He cannot switch it off.
He can have totally normal days where he can think really logically about it and agrees that there isnt an issue because he's not a weirdo and that it is just the anxiety and that he will get the help to overcome it and it will all be fine. He's now having counselling for it and the counsellor is going to do EMDR with him. The Counsellor has assured him that what he is feeling is just the anxiety and that can cause all sorts of doubt in his mind and the fact that he fears this and thinks these obtrusive worries are horrific means that he isnt a weirdo at all, but that his brain is focusing on the negative thoughts instead of dismissing it like a "normal" person would be able to.

My questions are I suppose, is anyone feeling like this too and have you have any experience of EMDR, did it work for you?

As I said he's always been a worrier and it's usually his worries that affect our relationship, arguing over money when there really isnt a need to, stressing about being sick because it happened the last time, and now this which has been going on for 2 years now just at the time we should be thinking about having a baby of our own which im not prepared to do until this is sorted. I just dont know how much more of it I can take everything gets ruined by his anxiety. It's like sabotaging anything good in our life, just everyday generally but aswell as holidays and specifically our honeymoon last year.

What can I do?


21-06-14, 12:51

Sorry you two are having a hard time. I've responded to a few posters who have posted about this subject in recent months on the OCD board.
Maybe do a little search on there. It's certainly quite common.

I can and have obsessed over any stupid suggestion in the past. I probably can't tell you anything more than you've been told though.
Don't hold onto the thought, it's nonsense. For some reason some of us are prone to obsess. Whereas others put odd little suggestions like that in the mental bin and never think of it again.

If his anxiety is ruining all areas of your relationship, follow the doctors guidance. It's good, at least, that he accepts he has these issues.
My brother in law clearly has bad anxiety and is a neurotic worrier but stands by his neuroticism and expects everyone else to live like that too which is obviously very restricting and problematic.

I'm sure there is a really great bloke in there. If you stick by him I'm sure it will pass as these things do. I no longer get hung up on obsessive thoughts. I don't know why.

Get your body right, make sure nothing physiological is contributing to the anxiety.
Excellent nutrition.
Steer clear of things like sugar and alcohol.
Regular exercise.
Lighten up and learn to laugh at yourself AND these thoughts.
If rubbish pops into my head nowadays I don't let it complete. Disrupt it before it forms and replace and forget. It's your focus, you choose what you put it on.

I take Rhodiola which is supposed to help with stress hormones.
I find it's good with exercise.

Clean his diet up best you can. I know from experience that some food habits can contribute massively to anxiety.