View Full Version : day 4

20-06-14, 12:11
i have suffered bad with anxiety and panic attacks since i was 18.. the longest it went on for was 8 weeks then it calmed down to every now and then.. i could deal with it being a every few days thing but its happened none stop for 4 days now.. i am just to scared to go out.. my mum has invited me to hers for the night and i dont even wana go there because it involves me going out.. this is really getting to me now..x

20-06-14, 12:35
Your panic is caused by a malfunction of the fight or flight response, going out or staying in wont stop that from happening, but what it will do is mean that you are slowly taking back control of your life. Be careful not to box yourself in through fear, fear will feed the panic. Trust me I had it extremely bad and worked very hard to get my life back. The panic and symptoms are nothing new, you know how it feels, you wont die from it, so all that is left is to demand your life back, you're a strong person, now just believe that you are.

Set small daily goals, work towards them, use positive statements such as "this is temporary", "nothing stays the same", "I believe in me" etc

Good luck

20-06-14, 13:59
I do try and be positive and I do get myself out because I have to, I no I can't stay in forever but if I cab avoid it I will.. I am getting help soon so hopefully I can get back to myself.. thanks for the advice.

20-06-14, 22:41
I wish you all the best with it, this thing that is happening to you is NOT permanent, constantly reinforce that belief into your head and in time it will get less and less stressful and more manageable.

Joining a site like this and talking it out is a positive step in the right direction.