View Full Version : Our minds are too powerful--newbie!!

20-06-14, 13:33
Hi, Im Jen....and I have major HA! This past week Ive had colon cancer, kidney failure, and now im thinking ovarian cancer!! What a great way to live...NOT! If I think of a symptom BAM I get it. I can bring on diarrhea like nobodys business. Think about my hair falling out..a bald spot appears. I have 3 kids and worry constantly about them too. I was great for about 10 yrs I think my daughter going off to college has brought on major stress which is causing all this to rear its ugly head!
Ive been spending all day researching symptoms which I know is what NOT to do. I had blood in urine at last drs apt which is freaking me out. Im hoping its cause I was spotting the day before, but really think its cancer:scared15: Also I have a spot next to my belly button that hurts when I press it hard. Its been like that for a yr!!! I think me constantly poking it is making it worse. Again cancer symptom helpppppppp!! Only good thing is my iron was great so im not bleeding a lot.

20-06-14, 15:58
Hi Jen,
I am a newbie on here too and have to agree with you on the power of the mind...too bad I cannot seem to use it to my advantage, though!
Have been having visual disturbances of one kind or another for 3 months. Once I notice something a bit off, bam, my mind picks up on that and then won't let go. My latest symptom is that people on the street look as if I had a double vision although I don't see double. I was at A&E twice for my visual symptoms, been to GP countless times, and every time I am told they don't think there is anything seriously wrong......meanwhile my mind keeps finding new symptoms for me to worry about and me believing there must be a physical cause.

20-06-14, 17:27
I've been dealing with HA only for a few months now where it's been really bad, but it's already destroying me. Right now, I'm worried about having lymphoma. Last month, due to H. Pylori, I was worried about stomach cancer, and last month I was having weird head pains and worried about brain tumors. While most of this is because of Dr. Google (I can't stay away), it's also because I think of the worst thing possible right away. Right now, I'm having weird pain in groin/armpit area as well as trouble breathing, chest pain, and abdominal tightness which is why I'm worried about lymphoma. I'm absolutely tired of my mind coming up with stuff, but it WAS right about how something was wrong with my stomach, so now I think I'm always right about everything.