View Full Version : PA Cure???

14-12-06, 09:27
Good morning everyone

Has anybody else read in detail or tried the method suggested by Panic-End.com (NMP member rkidsg posting earlier this week).

I read it twice yesterday evening and also got hubby to read it too. Some of the suggestions actually make sense, although I worry about the term 'cure'.

I tried to bring on a panic attack last night - and couldn't, and this morning lying in bed, when I started the early rumblings of an attack I tried to make it worse and it abated - didn't go away, just lessened.

I think the POSITIVE affirmation/ action of 'taking control' is psychologically very empowering, and you can see where and why the principlesshould work. Worth trying perhaps. I found the audio link quite interesting too.

Cure? maybe. Another potential way of taking control - why not.

Would love to hear other people's thoughts.


14-12-06, 09:53
Hi Sandie,

Thanks, I will have a look at that site.


14-12-06, 17:37
Hi everyone

A bit of an update on this method.

I've had a jittery day - but that's not unusual, and its common for my jitteryness to start late morning/early afternoon - often when the house becomes grey, and gloomy and seems cold. I start the day shivery - usually because I'm tired.

Well several times today, when I've felt the rumblings of a PA I've tried to make it grow - almost encouraged it, but nothings happened. I've only used my Rescue Spray once today, and I didn't have my lunchtime propanalol (although I am trying to wean myself off them).

My anxiety is still there - I can feel it, but the PAs have certainly been less - maybe because I've not been too many stressful situations?

I don't know for sure, but I do think this is another method worth adding to the repertoire. The advice is free, he has a nice, calm and soothing voice and if it works for just one person, then that's great!!

Would love to know if anyone else has looked at it or tried it.


14-12-06, 21:47
Hi Sandie,

Yes, I do agree with this. When you want a panic attack to come on, it doesn't, and when they're there if you 'go through it', as I was taught years ago it will leave. The statement below which is on the website makes all the sense in the world.
"Without fear of them they cannot exist" These simple, rational words have so much truth to them! Your panic attacks are YOU being afraid of the way YOU feel. They represent the conflict of YOU being afraid of YOU! IF you didn't FEAR the "way" you feel, then you would have no more panic attacks. This is the answer in a nutshell (no pun, honest)! [:P]

We have so many other beautiful things to think of, why should we even waste our time on PA's? All they do is hurt our ownselves. Practice, practice, practice until it stays with you. I was in my thirties when I learn this, then lost it. I relearned it again in my fifties. I'm in my sixties now and still need to brush up on it once in a while, but not as I did when I was younger.

Good luck you your practicing. It sounds like it's working for you.


Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend

14-12-06, 22:43
Hi sandie,

I totally agree with you,i read the site quite a while ago and if you truly do put your mind to it and wish a panic attack to come,it WONT... i can assure you.

I think the whole theory behind it is that it then turns the situation around and it becomes you whos in control,therefore lessening the fear and then the symptoms naturally subside.
The true test though is when you go out somewhere and you really really dont want it to happen,i did this once when i was stuck in traffic once and it worked a treat!!

I think theres definitely some truth and logic in it!!

Take care,Candie xxx

15-12-06, 08:28
Well guys

I obviously need to practice and practice and practice. My optimisim of yesterday is not so evident today. I don't know why, somehow I sensed I wasn't going to get a good night's sleep last night. I awoke at around 3 am having the most dreadful PA - reallly tight hard palpitations squeezing at my heart. I did manage to control it and it did go away, sort of - it was rumbling on thru the rest of the night and I got no more sleep - just 3 1/2 hours in total, so consequently I'm shattered.

But sensing I wasn't goping to get a good nights sleep may have become a self-fulfilling prophecy, which in its own way backs up what the website says about nothing to fear but fear itself.

It's all about how we look at and define our approach to the PAs, to a good night's sleep, to our anxiety, to our problems etc.

Put simply, Mind over Matter !!??

As usual, I'm starting the day tired shivery and trembling - seems to be a pattern here that I need to take a different approach to and tell myself I'M NOT TIRED AND SHIVERY. Its not easy when all you really want is for bedtime to come around again so that you can get some more sleep. Strange though that although I'm tired, I cant sleep during the day?

Maybe its too early to try reducing the propanalol (I've been on 3 x 40 mg and yesterday I only had 2 x 40 mg) - this may have contributed.

I haven't had a sleeping tablet for 4 nights though so I'm pleased about that (they wren't working anyway).

I'll re-read and listen to Panic-End.com - and keep practicing, who knows maybe it will work eventually. Certainly some of the comments of NMP people who have used it, seem to support the theory.


17-12-06, 04:29
what is your rescue spray?


Always expect a train.

17-12-06, 08:52
Hi Sheryl

I've PM'd you about the Rescue Spray.
